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                                         HOSPITALITY BIZ     OCTOBER, 2024                                              3

                            ProWine Mumbai

                            A platform for Industry Excellence

                   HBI Staff | Mumbai         country pavilions and 25 countries representing
                                              this time besides the 12 masterclasses.   The Panel Discussions
               roWine Mumbai, now in its 4th edition,                              ProWine Mumbai 2024 will also showcase
               is all set to once again bring together   Masterclasses             invigorating panel discussions on 8th Nov
          PIndia’s wine and spirits industry to taste   ProWine Mumbai will also host 12 sessions over   onastute topics that are pertinent to the industry.
          the future.                         2 days of complimentary Masterclasses, bringing   The panellists include producers of craft
            ProWine Mumbai, India’s largest business   together the best of knowledge and a range of   spirits, global brand ambassadors and heads of
          event has been the hub for the wine, spirits and   wine and spirit tastings. We can expect stellar   multinational brands.
          hospitality industry over the past few years. This   tastings from Japan, Australia, Ireland, Spain and   1) For Sommeliers, By Sommeliers:
          global platform opens doors for International   UK, to name drop a few. The complete schedule   TakingIndia’s Wine Journey to New Heights |
          and Indian wine and spirit brands looking   will be out on the event website shortly. Entry is   1200-1300 Hrs.
          to showcase brands and products, not only   free and on a first come first serve basis.  2) Creating a World Class Bar Program -
          through exhibit displays but also through the                            Showcasing India’s Talent & Culture | 1430-1530
          masterclasses, live tastings and aligned show   The ProWine & ProSpirits Challenge  Hrs.
          features that take place alongside the show.  The ProWine & ProSpirits Challenge   3) The Realities & Opportunities of
            Organised by Messe Düsseldorf India and   openeddoors to Indian and international   ImportingWine & Spirits in India | 1630-1730
          All Things Nice, the show is scheduled for the   wine and spirits brands available in India to   Hrs.
          8th& 9th of November at the world-class Jio   ascertain the quality of their products vis-
          World Convention Centre in Mumbai (Pavilion   à-vis the preferences of the local palate. The   The ProWine Mumbai Night
          3, Show Time: 11am-7pm). Mumbai is home   Judging took place through a systematic blind   The ProWine Mumbai Night is a major
          to some of the most prominent importers and   tasting bynot only industry professionals, but   networking event bringing together luminaries
          producers of wines and spirits and also boasts of   also by significant wines & spirits consumers,   of the wine and spirits industry, leaders of
          a progressive hospitality industry and advanced   connoisseurs and enthusiasts, giving them   hospitality, eminent media persons, and key
          consumer base.                      a platform to express their opinion on their   exhibitors from across the world under one
            The audience at ProWine Mumbai includes   favorite wines & spirits. The aim of this challenge   roof, making this the most prominent wine and
          importers, distributors, retailers, food &   was to judge the wines & spiritsbased on their   spirit event of the year. At the ProWine Mumbai
          beverage managers from renowned hotels,   quality alone, revealing an independent list of   Night, winners of the ProWine & ProSpirits
          mixologists, bar & restaurant owners, members   the finest wines & spirits available in India, as   Challenge will be showcased at an exclusive
          of wine and spirits clubs across the country and   chosen by the very people who drink them.   ‘Winning Wines & Spirits Bar’ – an opportunity
          consumers. The trade buyers are responsible for   See Jury on  for all present to taste and learn where the Indian
          buying large investment inventory and also for   spirits-challenge       market preferences lie. A succinct ceremony
          determining which brands are carried in bars,   The winners will be unveiled at ProWine   “ProWine Mumbai: Honouring Excellance” will
          restaurants and retail shops. The consumers   Mumbai and visitors can get a chance to taste at   also felicitate noteworthy contributors to the
          are the actual end users of the brands and are   the exhibition booths the winning wines.  wine and spirits industry as selected by ProWine
          integral for brands at the show.                                         Mumbai’s Advisory Board that will include
                                              The ProWine Bartenders’ Competition  wine and spirit professionals, global brand
          Exhibition & Tastings               ProWine Mumbai presents an exceptional   ambassadorsand heads of retail and trade.
          ProWine Mumbai brings together the country’s   platform for talented bartenders in the country   For the wine and spirits industry,
          community of AlcoBev brands, importers,   to showcase their skills at the ‘ProWine   ProWine Mumbai 2024 now transcends an
          distributors, wholesalers and retailers, along with   Bartenders’ Competition’.   extraordinarytrade fair - a platform for not
          international brands looking to enter the Indian   In partnership with Fay Barretto, Mr.   just wine but also spirit brands to grasp global
          market and connects them with noteworthy   Bartender & The Crew, Round 1 has taken   market trends and explore new business
          large-scale buyers including hotels, restaurants,   place and select finalists will compete for the   avenues. With appreciation from the industry
          bar owners and wine & spirit enthusiasts.  prestigious title ‘ProWine Bartender of the Year’,   stakeholders and partners paired with the
            This year the show includes ‘ProSpirits’,   and winan all-expense paid Guest Shift at an   sector’s growth forecast promises that ProWine
          a highlight that delves into the flourishing   international bar besides recognition in the trade   Mumbai will once again be well-received and
          dynamics and innovative strength of the spirits   and media, besides a prize and recognition in   well-attended.
          industry. Attendees can explore the latest   trade and media.               Visitor registrations are now open, please
          products and trends and be inspired by tastings   Judges for the ProWine Bartenders   see terms for visiting ProWine and other
          presented by industry experts.      Competition include Meenakshi Singh – Sidecar,   information on
            Visitors can expect to taste over a   Pankil Shah – Woodside Inn, Pawan Shahri –   Full Event Schedule on https://www.
          thousandbrands across 190 exhibitors,  8+   Chrome Asia Hospitality.  n

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