Page 27 - HBiz_August_2024
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New appoiNtmeNts
                                      Hospitality Biz     august, 2024                                                  27

                           ACCOR HOTElS                                            HyATT HOTElS

                                    Manali Gupta, Director of                               Abhishek Arora , Revenue
                                    Operations , Raffles Hotels                             Manager, Hyatt Regency
                                    & Resorts Udaipur                                       Chennai
                                    With an extensive background in                         As   the  Revenue  Manager
                                    luxury hospitality spanning over                        at Hyatt Regency, Chennai,
                                    17 years, Manali brings a wealth                        Abhishek  will  oversee  all
                                    of experience and expertise  to                         revenue management operations,
                                    this iconic property.                                   develop and implement strategies
                                    Manali began her  illustrious                           profits,  analyse  market trends,
                                    career as a Management Trainee                          manage pricing and inventory,
                                    with The Leela Hotels & Palaces,                        and collaborate with  various
                                    where she gained comprehensive                          departments  to ensure  effective
                                    exposure  to  various  segments                         revenue  management  practices.
          including resorts, hotels, and palaces. Her professional journey has   He will leverage data and technology to inform decision-making and
          also seen her excel in roles with international brands such as Starwood,   will be accountable for achieving revenue targets and driving growth.
          Accor, and Hyatt at some of the world’s most iconic locations.
                                                                                     ITC HOTElS
                                     Sidney DCunha, Director
                                     of Food & Beverage and                                 Gaurav Soneja, Cluster
                                     Culinary, Sofitel Mumbai BKC                           General Manager , ITC Royal
                                     Sidney, who  joined  Sofitel                           Bengal & ITC Sonar
                                     Mumbai BKC in 2022, has since                          His  journey  with  ITC  Hotels
                                     then been instrumental in further                      commenced  at  Welcomhotel
                                     developing  the  hotel’s  robust                       Sheraton New Delhi in 2007.
                                     culinary  offerings.  Through  a                       Over  the  years,  he  has  held
                                     series  of  unique  food  festivals,                   senior management positions in
                                     visits by a variety of guest chefs,                    Bangalore, Delhi, and Mumbai,
                                     and an  immense  interest  in                          where he established himself as a
                                     progressively bettering the hotel’s                    trailblazer for his successors.
                                     many restaurants  and bars,                            As an integral part of the pre-
          Sidney has played an instrumental role in carving a niche for Sofitel             opening team,  Gaurav served
          Mumbai  BKC on  Mumbai’s  innovative  restaurant  scene.  What’s                  as the  Cluster Hotel Manager
          more, since his arrival. Sidney and his team have enjoyed numerous   for ITC Royal Bengal & ITC Sonar in Kolkata. In this capacity, he
          accolades for the hotel’s restaurants & bars, bestowed by some of the   was  instrumental  in  the  positioning  and  launching  of  the  693-key
          country’s finest publications and reputed organizations.  destination,  featuring 14  food  and beverage  offerings,  the  Bengal
                                                                 Stateroom—the largest pillar less hall in Eastern India—meeting
                                                                 rooms, a spa, and long-stay serviced residences. His strategic acumen
                          HIlTOn HOTElS                          amidst fierce competition elevated the hotel complex to become a
                                                                 leading destination in India.
                                    Ravinder Chahal ,Director
                                    of Sales, Hilton Bangalore            MARRIOTT HOTElS & RESORTS
                                    Embassy Golflinks
                                    In his previous role, Ravinder led                      Shaad Ansari, Director of
                                    a high-performing sales  team,                          Catering Sales, JW Marriott
                                    developed and aligned sales goals                       Mumbai Sahar
                                    with broader business objectives,                       In his new role as Director of
                                    and managed daily operations.                           Catering Sales, he will leverage
                                    His  hands-on  approach and                             his deep knowledge of the
                                    commitment to excellence have                           Mumbai  business  landscape  and
                                    been key to achieving targets and                       his strong connections with the
                                    coordinating  with stakeholders.                        Medical Association to drive the
                                    He has also been pivotal in                             hotel’s success to greater heights.
          mentoring and training his team, fostering a culture of continuous                His   exceptional  negotiation
          improvement and customer satisfaction.                                            skills and strategic vision will
          In his  previous  role,  Ravinder  led a high-performing sales  team,             undoubtedly enhance the catering
          developed and aligned sales goals with broader business objectives,   sales operations and elevate the overall guest experience at JW Marriott
          and managed daily operations.                          Mumbai Sahar.

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