Page 24 - HBiz_August_2024
P. 24

24    Wine and spirits                        Hospitality Biz     august, 2024

          ‘State-to-state excise policies hinder optimal expansion

          for independent craft spirits manufacturers in India’

                                                       In 1969, Dani Chand opened a modest liquor shop in Kohima, Nagaland.
                                                       This humble beginning evolved into Radiant Manufacturers Pvt. Ltd. in
                                                       2001, a company now redefining the alcobev industry in the North East
                                                       with its regional in-house brands such as Lost Treasure Coffee Rum, Castle
                                                       Hill Dark Knight Small Batch Whiskey, Vinho Porto Wines, and White Magic
                                                       Tango Gin & Orange. Today, it stands as a symbol of entrepreneurial spirit
                                                       and regional pride. Radiant Manufacturers excels in developing multiple
                                                       distilled filtered wheat mash spirits for vodka, botanicals-infused spirits
                                                       for gin, and mixed grain mash spirits of corn, rice, and malt for whiskies.
                                                       Asmita Mukherjee spoke with Vicky Chand, Director and CEO, Radiant
                                                       Manufacturers to learn more about their business plans.

          Q   Can you share the story of how Radiant Manufacturers started   Q  What inspired you to launch your own distillery in 2012, and
              from a modest liquor retail shop in Kohima to becoming a
                                                                     how has this decision impacted the quality and consistency of
          leading alcobev pioneer in the North East of India?    your products?
          In 1969, in Kohima, my father and our Founder and Chairman Mr Dani   Once we got into manufacturing our liquor then my father Mr. Dani
          Chand  had opened a modest liquor retail shop. Back then, its origins   Chand realized that the inconsistencies in the spirits sourced from
          were unassuming and very few took notice. However, destiny had bigger   various distilleries were interfering with the quality of the product. In
          plans for this shop, setting us on a trajectory that would redefine the   order to combat this problem he  thought of starting his own distillery.
          alcobev industry in the North East. Today, Radiant Manufacturers stands   The idea was shared with the family and it clicked immediately with me
          as a testament to entrepreneurial spirit and regional pride in the North   and I decided to turn this dream of my father into a reality. The decision
          East. As a result, in 2001, ‘Radiant Manufacturers Pvt. Ltd.’ was founded   has been very helpful in creating our own line of whiskies, gins and rum
          in KhatKhati, Karbi Anglong, Assam, focusing on producing regional   which requires consistent grain spirit.
          in-house brands and products at the bottling plant. Two decades later,
          the Radiant brand portfolio has grown, anchored by a commitment to   Q  Are there any upcoming products or innovations that Radiant
          consistent blends and quality. We launched the Distillery division, our   Manufacturers is planning to introduce to the market? What are
          first Agro-based ENA plant in 2012, which was also the first grain based   your investment plans for the company?
          distillery of Northeast India.                         The Distillery division is on an ambitious expansion plan aimed at
                                                                 increasing the production capacity by 50% and tapping into the rapidly
          Q   What were the key strategies and milestones that led to Radiant   growing Ethanol market. To facilitate this growth, significant efforts have
              Manufacturers’ rapid expansion across Assam, West Bengal,
                                                                 been put in place recently. We have also recently acquired the Consent to
          Bhutan, and Nepal? Are you planning to expand into new geo   establish for an expanded unit, which will include a CO2 unit, a Micro
          locations?                                             Distillery, in addition to a visitor center, and a maturation facility. At
          Our growth strategy revolves around two key pillars. Remaining relevant   the heart of our expansion efforts lies a focus on the maturation and
          in the dynamic landscape is the first as we understand the importance   production of very special grain spirits. We are keen to explore this
          of staying attuned to industry trends and consumer               niche segment further, leveraging our expertise to craft
          preferences, to ensure our offerings continue to meet            exceptional spirits with distinctive character and flavor
          dynamic markets.                                                 profiles. Additionally, our enhanced capabilities open
           Simultaneously, we are committed to strengthening               up opportunities to supply specially crafted small-batch
          our moat by continuously innovating and pursuing                 spirits from the distillery level. These spirits can be
          research.                                                        tailored to meet specific brand applications, catering to
           We most certainly aim to get into Rajasthan, Goa and            a diverse range of clientele. We are capable of developing
          Maharashtra along with Odisha and other corporation              multiple distilled filtered Wheat Mash Spirits for Vodka,
          markets as they are safe bets. Ideally, a one nation one         botanicals infused spirits for Gin along with mixed grain
          tax model would have allowed every independent craft             mash spirits of Corn/ Rice/ Malt for Whiskies. We are also
          spirits manufacturer to exponentially expand their reach,        researching to create a grain mash incorporating elements
          however, that is not the case with India. Therefore, until       of Jaggery or Sugarcane juice. Although this endeavor
          Excise is a state-to-state matter with different policies and    has not yet yielded success, we remain committed to the
          ever-changing landscapes it is quite difficult for brands        pursuit of innovation and are determined not to give up. n
          like ours to expand optimally.                                                

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