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                                                                                      News BulletiN
                                           Hospitality Biz     august, 2024                                             3

          Uttar Pradesh’s New Star Classification Policy for Hotels Set

          to Boost Prayagraj Tourism Ahead of Mahakumbh-2025

                    HBI Staff | Pune                                               receive various incentives, including subsidies
                                                                                   and tax benefits.
             he Yogi Adityanath government’s new                                      The Uttar Pradesh State Tourism
          Tstar classification policy for hotels and                               Development Corporation (UPSTDC) is the
          resorts, introduced in December 2023 to                                  nodal agency for this initiative. Over 100
          promote tourism in Uttar Pradesh, will now be                            hoteliers from Prayagraj and surrounding
          implemented in Sangam city. District officials                           areas attended the meeting, organized by the
          have begun efforts in collaboration with the                             Prayagraj Hotel and Restaurant Association.
          tourism department.                                                         Harjinder Singh, President of the Prayagraj
            A recent meeting at a city hotel, organized   incentives comparable to industry standards.  Hotel and Restaurant Association, noted
          by the tourism department and the Prayagraj   The system will categorize hotels into five   that the local hotel industry has seen rapid
          Development Authority (PDA), saw officials   groups: Platinum, Diamond, Gold, Silver,   development since the Yogi government took
          discussing the implementation of this new   and Bronze, aligning with the traditional star   office, particularly after Kumbh-2019. The
          system with local hoteliers in preparation for   ratings of 5-star to 1-star. This classification will   tourism development of the Ayodhya, Kashi,
          Mahakumbh-2025. The new classification   help tourists choose accommodations more   and Prayagraj Golden Triangle has increased
          aims to increase the availability of hotel rooms,   easily and encourage higher service standards.   tourist numbers in Prayagraj, spurring further
          improve facilities, and offer subsidies and   Hotels recognized under this system will   growth in the hotel industry. n

                               HRAWI Concludes Its Third Empowering

                               Hospitality Conclave & Awards

                  HBI Staff | Hyderabad       who sell knives don’t get held accountable for   experiences is our core offering; we are more
                                              crimes committed with those items, but licensed   than just venues to stay.” He also emphasized
             he hotel and restaurant industry raised   restaurateurs have recently been prosecuted for   the need for the hospitality industry to focus on
         Tconcerns over being held accountable for   crimes committed by customers. The industry   sustainability and community ties and implored
         drunk driving accidents caused by patrons at   seeks guidance on what regulations it should   the industry to dovetail its trade with the tangible
         the recently concluded Empowering Hospitality   follow to avoid prosecution for incidents that   heritage and intangible cultural heritage which
         Conclave & Awardshosted by the Hotel and   occur outside its premises,” stated Pradeep Shetty,   are India’s core strengths. The highlight of the
         Restaurant Association (Western India) –   President, HRAWI.              conclave was the sessions by subject matter
         HRAWI at Hotel Center Point in Nagpur on July   Special Guest Dr. Ravinder Singal   experts with topics that had practical applications
         26, 2024. Besides discussing topical issues, the   (IPS), Commissioner of Police, Nagpur   and directly impacted the day-to-day operations
         conclave featured presentations by subject matter   City,acknowledged the hospitality industry’s   of hotels and restaurants.
         experts on the new Maharashtra Tourism Policy   concerns but emphasized the broader perspective   The conclave featured Rajesh Chopra, Head
         2024, Cybersecurity essentials, Technology for   law enforcers must maintain while enforcing   – Hospitality Business Vertical, Ingram Micro
         enhancing guest experiences, and skill training   law and order. “No one needs to fear if they have   India, who presented on how technology can
         sessions on subjects such as fire safety and pest   not broken the law. I am open to discussion   be an enabler for enhancing guest experiences
         management.                          with HRAWI, and maybe together we can find a   and driving profitability. He also covered
            Delving into the growing trend of   solution that can be replicated across the State,”   Cybersecurity Essentials for the hospitality
         restaurateurs being held responsible for accidents   he said. He also appreciated the high quality   industry, a crucial area in an increasingly
         caused by intoxicated patrons, the industry sought   of service provided by the Indian hospitality   digital world. Ingram Micro hospitality vertical
         guidelines from industry stalwarts, policymakers,   industry.             acts as technology aggregator and has created
         and law enforcers participating in the conclave.   The Chief Guest of the conclave, Dr. Sagnik   technology solutions for the hospitality industry.
         “The hotel and restaurant industry remains   Chowdhury, DDG & Regional Director (Western   These solutions come bundled with friendly
         committed to responsible alcohol service and   & Central), Ministry of Tourism, Govt of India,   financing options and option to recycle e-waste
         adherence to guidelines. Wherever we are wrong,   expressed his happiness at the conscious effort   as per pollution control norms. CA Julfesh
         we are happy to be corrected. However, lately,   to create a platform for exchanging insights on   Shah, Former Vice Chairman of WIRC of ICAI,
         the restaurant industry has been feeling the full   various ongoing sectoral issues. He congratulated   discussed the New Maharashtra Tourism Policy
         might of enforcement despite operating within   HRAWI for organizing such seminars and noted,   2024, emphasizing its impact on the sector. “The
         the framework of the law. A guest consumes   “Guests from all parts of the world visit India,   new policy offers a 20% cash subsidy (up to ₹20
         alcohol in a restaurant, causes an accident outside,   and the hospitality sector is essentially a melting   crores) for tourism projects like hotels and resorts,
         and the restaurant gets blamed. Shopkeepers   pot of cultural exchanges. Enhancing guest   significantly boosting investment,” Shah said. n

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