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                                          Hospitality Biz     august, 2024                                              7

         Little Italy celebrates

         35th anniversary

         with new menu and

         expansion plans

            Asmita Mukherjee | Hyderabad      Italian cuisine brand in India.
                                                 Little Italy’s pizzas are the star
              ittle Italy, in Hyderabad’s Kokapet   of the show. Cooked in a traditional
              neighbourhood, is a haven for   wood-fired oven, the pizzas boast a thin,
          Lvegetarian Italian food lovers. Located   crispy crust and are topped with the freshest
          conveniently on the main road in Kokapet,   ingredients. The Margherita Pizza is a classic,
          Little Italy is easily accessible and offers ample   featuring a simple yet delicious combination of
          parking space, a rarity in the busy city.  fresh tomatoes, mozzarella cheese, and basil.
            The interiors are a harmonious blend   The new menu features Pinsas, a new pizza
          of rustic Italian decor and modern design   style from Rome. For those seeking something
          elements. Soft lighting enhances the warm   with a bit more zest, the Piccante Pinsa is a
          atmosphere, making it perfect for both a   delightful choice. Topped with spicy jalapeños,
          romantic dinner and a casual family outing.  olives, and a generous layer of mozzarella, this
            The restaurant boasts an extensive menu   pizza packs a flavorful punch.
          that caters to a variety of palates, all within the   To complement the delicious food, Little
          realm of vegetarian cuisine. From wood-fired   Italy offers a range of refreshing mocktails.
          pizzas to creamy pastas and decadent desserts,   The Ibisco Sangria and the Sangria alla Rosa
          the menu is a testament to the rich flavors and   featuring a subtle flavour of litchi juice, provide   Amrut Mehta, Director, Little Italy
          diverse culinary traditions of Italy. The brand   unique twists on the classic sangria, offering a
          recently celebrated its 35th anniversary, with   refreshing end to an Italian sojourn.  indulging in their exquisite desserts. The
          the launch of its celebration menu.    Mehta outlines the ambitious revenue   Saffron Milk Cake is a vibrantly colored Indian
            The dining experience begins with a   targets for this fiscal year, aiming to capitalise   dessert that brings a delightful fusion to the
          selection of appetizers that are perfect for   on anniversary celebrations and new product   Italian menu. The Chocolate Bomb, however,
          sharing. The Wild Truffle Mushroom Soup is   launches. “We are targeting CAGR at 15% YOY   is the showstopper. This decadent dessert, with
          a standout starter, a rich concoction swirled   and opening 6 additional outlets by the end of   its rich chocolate exterior and molten center, is
          with creamy foam and infused with the earthy   the year. Our aim is to explore new locations   guaranteed to satisfy any chocoholic.
          flavors of porcini mushrooms. Each spoonful   in Hyderabad, Jaipur, Bhopal, Kolkata,   Mehta also shares plans for strengthening
          is a luxurious treat, setting the stage for the   Chandigarh, and Odisha. Internationally,   Little Italy’s presence in Northern and
          courses to follow.                  we are considering locations in London, the   Southern India by increasing outlet density,
            Another popular choice is the Cheese   UAE, and Kenya. We are also leveraging our   implementing region-specific marketing
          Nachos. This dish features crispy tortilla   new delivery app to make our offerings more   strategies, and partnering with local influencers
          chips generously topped with melted cheese,   accessible, and increasing sales of Acasa   and events to engage with the community.
          jalapeños, and a zesty salsa. The combination of   products which is a gourmet grocery brand by   The Green Card Club loyalty program
          flavors is a great way to kick off the meal.  Little Italy in both retail and HoReCa markets,”   plays a crucial role in customer retention. “We
            Amrut Mehta, Director, Little Italy   he added.                        have a great number of loyal guests who have
          attributes the brand’s growth and success   No meal at Little Italy is complete without   frequented Little Italy for three decades now,
          over the past three decades to an unwavering                             and our loyalty program active user base is
          commitment to quality, innovation, and                                   more than 10 lakhs people. The Green Card
          customer satisfaction. “Our ability to adapt                             Club loyalty program plays a crucial role in
          to changing market trends, such as the                                   customer retention by rewarding our loyal
          introduction of cloud kitchens and DIY kits,                             customers with exclusive benefits, discounts
          has kept us relevant and competitive,” he                                and special offers. This program fosters a
          explains. The strong brand loyalty cultivated                            sense of community and belonging among
          through strategic expansions and consistent                              our customers, encouraging repeat visits and
          delivery of authentic Italian flavors has                                enhancing customer loyalty,” Mehta notes. n
          solidified Little Italy’s position as a leading                             

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