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EvEnt UpdatE

             Thomas  Schlitt,  Managing  Director  of  Messe  Düsseldorf   learn in-depth about wines and spirits.
          Indi,  said,  “I  am  thrilled  that  ProWine  Mumbai  has  created  a   The  highlight  for  visitors  seemed  to  be  The  ProWine  Spirits
          comprehensive platform for the AlcoBev industry in just 3 years of   Challenge  and  The  ProWine  Bartenders’  Competition.  The
          its launch. The 2023 edition brought in more international flavour   blind-tasting and detailed scoring of spirits ranging from Whiskey,
          as  well  as  diversity  from  Indian  wine  and  spirits  industry.  The   Vodka,  Rum,  Gin,  Tequila  and  Liqueur  led  to  an  interesting
          visitors enjoyed a diverse showcase of wines, spirits, craft beverages   revelation to the brands participating of what consumers actually
          as  well  as  learned  about  their  taste,  flavour,              like and look out for when making a purchase.
          making procedure and more from experts at the                        The  ProWine  Bartenders’  Competition
          Masterclasses.  The  show  also  gave  recognition                 presented a platform for talented bartenders in
          and a platform to talented bartenders and spirit                   the country to showcase their skills.
          brands  through  the  newly  launched  ProWine
          Bartenders’  Competition  and  ProWine  Spirits                    the CraftSMen diSCuSSiOn
          Challenge. The success of the show is reflected                    Trade visitors witnessed a vibrant and insightful
          in the enthusiasm of the satisfied attendees who                   panel discussion on ‘The future of international
          are already looking forward to the next edition                    craft  spirits  in  India  and  taking  Indian  craft
          of ProWine Mumbai.”                                                spirits  globally’.  The  panellists  included
           “Year  on  year,  ProWine  Mumbai  exceeds                        Keshav  Prakash  -  The  Vault,  Angad  Gandhi
          our  expectations.  We  are  immensely  proud  of                  -  Glenfiddich,  Shatbhi  Basu  -  Bar  &  Beverage
          putting together this platform and humbled by                      Consultant,  Pritish  Matai  –  Aspri  Spirits,
          the  support  of  various  governments  and  trade                 Rakshay  Dhariwal  -  Maya  Pistola  Agavepura,
          bodies  and  the  eagerness  to  showcase  their                   Bharat  Bhagnani  -  Living  Root  Distilling
          brands  from  importers  and  producers.  We  strongly  believe  that   Company, Malay Rout – Wine & Spirits Club of India, Michael
          this is India’s moment and we look forward to organising elevated   Hussey - Bord Bia and Rahul Mehra - Third Eye Distillery.
          editions of ProWine Mumbai in the future. The goal has always   The ProWine Mumbai Night took place in the très élégant Lotus
          been  to  promote  wine,  spirits  and  craft  beverage  businesses  and   Ballroom  and  was  a  major  networking  event  bringing  together
          help new brands enter the Indian market. This year, I’m particularly   luminaries of the wine and spirits industry, leaders of hospitality,
          proud of the ProWine Bartenders’ Competition and the spotlight   eminent media persons, and key exhibitors from across the world
          that it throws on bartenders who are an integral part of the beverage   under one roof, making this the most prominent wine and spirit
          industry”, said Nikhil Agarwal, Founder – All Things Nice, and   event of the year.
          Co-organiser of ProWine Mumbai.                        The  India  Wine  Awards  (the  country’s  most  prestigious
                                                               competition  that  sets  the  benchmark  in  excellence  by  rewarding
          MOre than a trade ShOw                               the best wines, both domestic and international, available in the
          The Masterclasses that took place over the two days of ProWine   Indian market) was featured during the ProWine Mumbai Night
          Mumbai - alongside the exhibition - were well executed through   and was put together by the Sonal Holland Wine Academy. The
          interested tasting sessions and discussions led by industry experts.   list of winners of the India Wine Awards can be found at www.
          The sessions were well attended by visitors with a keen interest to n

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