Page 22 - HBiz_December_2023
P. 22
ExpErt SpEak
Boosting a Convention Centre’s Brand Requires
Strategic Execution of Key Initiatives
By varun mehrotra, Director, Sales and Marketing,
Sheraton Grand Bengaluru Whitefield and Convention Centre
olistic Audience-centric ApproAcH Engagement Excellence Strategy.
A foundational pillar of success involves embracing a Cultivate a dedicated team of
Hcomprehensive Audience-Centric Strategy. Initiate the journey by experts well-versed in the intricacies
conducting exhaustive market research to unravel the intricacies of your of event management. This specialized
target audience’s demographics and preferences. This knowledge serves team excels in addressing client queries
as the bedrock for a meticulous customisation of messaging, marketing with precision, adeptly managing the complexities of event logistics,
initiatives, and guest experiences. The strategy revolves around tailoring and ensuring a seamless overall experience. The strategy revolves around
every aspect to seamlessly align with the distinct needs of the audience. creating a team that is not just proficient but passionately committed to
This bespoke approach transcends momentary attention, aiming to delivering exceptional client engagement. By establishing this dedicated
leave a lasting and profound impression. Consistently and precisely and knowledgeable team, you not only enhance your brand’s reputation
addressing the preferences of your audience fosters resonance and as an industry leader but also instil a sense of confidence in clients,
connection, ultimately cultivating a positioning your convention centre as a
memorable and impactful relationship reliable and expert choice. This client-
with potential clients. centric approach becomes a defining
factor in attracting and retaining
strAtegic globAl exposure clients, establishing your venue as a
tHrougH internAtionAl go-to destination for successful and
plAtforms seamlessly executed events.
Position your convention centre as a
global frontrunner by implementing a optimised spAce mAnAgement
Strategic Global Exposure Initiative. mAstery for enHAnced
Proactively utilise digital marketing experiences
channels to amplify visibility on The cornerstone of success for a
international platforms. Actively convention centre lies in mastering
engage with prominent global event Optimized Space Management.
listings and foster partnerships with Conduct a comprehensive exploration
international organisers. This multifaceted approach aims to significantly of the nuances of space allocation, group ceilings, and optimal
elevate your venue’s exposure on a global scale, showcasing its offerings venue utilization. Delve into the intricacies of these elements to not
to a diverse international audience. By expanding your market reach, only enhance the overall guest experience but also maximize revenue
this strategy reinforces the international allure and prestige of your potential. The focus is on positioning your convention centre as the
convention centre, attracting a broader spectrum of clients seeking a preferred choice for event planners and organizers by showcasing
world-class event venue. unparalleled proficiency in creating versatile and well-utilized spaces.
This involves meticulous planning to cater to the diverse needs of
bAlAnced revenue mAnAgement strAtegy various events, ensuring that each space within the venue is optimized
Attain sustained success by striking a strategic balance in Revenue for functionality and appeal. By demonstrating a mastery of space
Management. Meticulously manage the interplay between selling management, your convention centre becomes synonymous with
convention centre space and conducting comprehensive revenue adaptability and excellence, attracting a broad spectrum of events and
audits. Implement effective revenue management strategies designed solidifying its reputation as a premier destination for successful and
to optimize profits and ensure the financial viability of the convention seamlessly executed gatherings.
centre. Simultaneously, engage in strategic selling initiatives to The views expressed within this column are the opinion of the author,
maintain a consistent flow of business. This equilibrium is pivotal for and may not necessarily be endorsed by the publication. n
securing both short-term financial gains and long-term sustainability
in the fiercely competitive convention and event market. Fine-tune Varun Mehrotra has worked in the hospitality sector for over two decades.
revenue management practices and adopt strategic selling approaches Throughout his career, he has received extensive knowledge and expertise
to navigate market dynamics and position the convention centre for in all the elements of hotel administration, as well as substantial experience
enduring success. in interacting with people from various cultural backgrounds while working
across India. He is a strategic planner with ample expertise managing complex
client engAgement excellence tHrougH A dedicAted operations and working with brands such as Oberoi hotels, Kempinski hotels
teAm and Shangri La Hotels as well as 9 years in Accor Hotels.
Elevate the convention centre’s standing by instituting a Client
22 Hospitality Biz | DecemBer 2023 |