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List of the course fees of various butler schools around the world as of September 23, 2023: families tend to earn more than
those who work for hotels or
School Location Course Fee other businesses: the employer
The International Butler Academy Maastricht, Netherlands €15,500 (10-week program) profile and their values.
The British Butler Institute London, UK £11,500 (4-week program) Tips: Butlers who work in
The American Butler Academy Los Angeles, USA $19,995 (10-week program) hotels typically receive tips
from their guests, which can
The Singapore Butler Institute Singapore SGD22,000 (10-week program) significantly increase their
The Australian Butler Academy Melbourne, Australia AUD30,000 (10-week program) earnings.
Please note that these are just base prices and may vary depending on the specific course and any additional
fees that may apply. Contacting the school directly to get an accurate quote is always best. How to increase earning?
Get experience: The more
experience you have, the more
Get certified: There are several butler certification programs valuable you will be to potential employers.
available, which can make you more competitive in the job Get certified: There are several butler certification programs
market. available, which can make you more competitive in the job
Network: Get to know other butlers and industry professionals. market.
Networking can help you learn about job opportunities and get Network: Get to know other butlers and industry professionals.
your foot in the door. Networking can help you learn about job opportunities and get
Be professional: Be reliable, punctual, and courteous. Provide your foot in the door.
excellent customer service and go the extra mile for your employers Be professional: Be reliable, punctual, and courteous. Be
and guests. proactive, ahead of the game, and go the extra mile for your
With hard work and dedication, you can build a successful career employers and guests.
as a butler and earn a good living and a high-quality lifestyle.
Niche down - become a speciality in something- either in Why are the Butler School so expensive?
maintaining a wardrobe, knowledge diets or learning about Small class sizes: Butler schools typically have petite classes,
different cultures based on your interest. If it is Hotels, it may be allowing personalised instruction and attention to detail.This is
in pre-opening or knowing the guest history and their habits. important because butlers need to be able to provide a high level
Learn deeply about things that are interesting to your employers. of service to their employers and guests. Butler’s service concerns
One of my employers was into horses, and I never knew anything grace, thoughtfulness, mind development, and an eye for detail.
about them. When I joined them, in six months, I started Comprehensive curriculum: Butler schools offer a
recognising the various breeds and their habits, etc. comprehensive curriculum that covers all aspects of being a
butler, from etiquette and protocol to household management
The average salary of a butler in India and security. This ensures that students are well-prepared for a
The salary range for butlers in India is between ₹3.6 lakhs and successful career as a butler.
₹10.8 lakhs per year. Hands-on training: Butler schools typically offer hands-on
Some Butlers earn 24 lakhs or over/ year. training so students can practice their learning. This is important
because Butlers need to be able to perform their duties confidently
Salary of a butler in India vary depending on several factors and efficiently.
Experience: Butlers with more experience typically earn more In addition to these factors, butler schools are expensive because
than those with less experience. they are a niche industry. Few butler schools are worldwide,
Location: Butlers working in major cities, such as Mumbai and typically attracting students from all over the globe. This means
Delhi, earn more than those working in smaller cities or towns. that they can charge a premium for their services. Also, the fact
Type of employer: Butlers who work for wealthy individuals or that someone attends a Butler school will put the students in a
position to earn much more.
(In our next edition we will discuss ways to select
Butlers’ school) n
Prem Anand, a renowned figure in hospitality,
is acclaimed for his exceptional butler skills. His
reputation comes from impeccable service, acute
attention to detail, and deep understanding of
hospitality. Spanning prestigious establishments with
high-profile clients, Anand is celebrated for discretion,
professionalism, and anticipating guest needs. He
founded The London Butler Academy(R), empowering
individuals and hospitality professionals to excel in
their careers.
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11 | DecemBer 2023 | Hospitality Biz 13