Page 9 - HBiz_December_2023
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StatiSticS & analySiS

          Tokyo tops Asian

          markets with highest

          Average Room Rates

                           HBI Staff | Mumbai                  Worldwide  hotel  occupancy  rates  have  maintained  an
                                                               average  of  68%  monthly  throughout  2023.  Corporate
                   ost gateway markets show a return to standard   Average  Room  Rates  (ARRs)  have  steadied  over  the  past
                   occupancy growth worldwide. Across key Asian   6 months, indicating rate stability. Despite this, hotels are
          Mcities, there’s been a substantial increase of 108-  planning  a  3-8%  increase  in  2024,  driven  by  escalating
          153% compared to 2022. This surge in demand is the driving   operating expenses and investments in sustainability.
          force behind the rate hike this year.                  “To counter the increase in prices while managing reduced
           Beijing is in the lead at 153%, followed by Shanghai at   travel budgets, we have several solutions for our clients such
          139%, Tokyo at 137%, Hong Kong at 124%, Singapore at   as  changing  options  to  stay  within  budget,  consolidating
          113%, Delhi at 111%, and Mumbai at 108%.             suppliers for leverage, and considering lower ‘star ratings’
                                                               expectations without compromising on service and quality,
          Tokyo  Commands  The  highesT  average  room  raTes  in   said  Bertrand  Saillet,  Managing  Director  of  FCM  Travel
                                                               Asia. n
          The Average Room Rates in Asia experienced a significant
          rise, climbing from USD 33 in 2022 to USD 173 in 2023.
          Consequently, the Q3-2023 saw only a slight 1% increase
          due to the substantial surge earlier in Q1-2023.
           Tokyo  stands  out  with  the  highest  average  room  rate
          at  USD  281  per  night,  followed  by  Seoul  at  USD  277,
          Singapore at USD 265, and Hong Kong at USD 246.
           In  India,  Bengaluru  recorded  USD  143,  Mumbai  USD
          148, Delhi USD 135, and Chennai USD 96.
           In China, Hong Kong leads with an average of USD 246
          per night, Beijing at USD 166, and Shanghai at USD 141.

          FCm ConsulTing ForeCasTs a 3-8% inCrease in average
          hoTel room raTes

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