Page 6 - HBiz_December_2023
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                                              MISSING BIKI AND ROY

                                              They were different, yet two personalities,
                                              however different, hold their own distinct
                                              lessons for the future of  the hospitality
                 EdItor-In-ChIEf & CEo        business in India.
                    Sheldon Santwan
                                                  ast  month  the  passing  away  of  two
                EdItor & BuSInESS hEAd        Lstalwarts  of  the  Indian  hospitality  world
                      Sumit Jha               was reason enough to take a moment for a brief
          pause.  It's  important  to  reflect  and  appreciate
                                              the opportunities, hard work, and dedication that
                  ASSIStAnt EdItor            build dreams in the industry. It is also time to take
                   Prasenjit Chakraborty      lessons from the pitfalls and stumbles that line the path of
                    +91 9819263364
       soaring ambitions that might be unregulated.
                                               The Biki Oberoi story illustrates how training and background speed
                   EdItorIAl tEAm             up growth, the Sahara narrative of Roy mirrors ambition and desire that might
                       mumbai                 flounder without fiscal discipline.
                  ChIEf SuB-EdItor
                    disha Shah Ghosh           Those close to Biki describe him as a fastidious and no-nonsense personality with a
          vision and who knew exactly what he wanted. Roy, on the other hand, was someone
                                              who raised himself from the dusty lanes of a small town. Building a huge organisation
                      hyderabad               from the proverbial scratch does sound stuff of dreams. It almost is. However, there is
                    Asmita mukherjee          always a thin line between romanticism and recklessness, and history can be partial
         and lean on the side of success stories.
                                               From creating a distinct and much-valued niche of high-end properties in an already
                   ContrIButorS               well-established chain to going ahead and buying off luxury hotels on foreign shores
                   Anurag Yadav (delhi)
                  nivesh Bhagtani (delhi)     are milestones in themselves. Both stand out for sheer audacity of sorts in varying
                 marcellus Baptista (mumbai)  degrees and different contexts.
                Bhisham mansukhani (mumbai)
                 dominic CostaBir (mumbai)     Be  as  it  may,  what  filters  through  is  the  lesson  that  training  and  discipline  are
                                              the  more  relevant  parts  of  any  enterprise.  The  present  crop  of  entrepreneurs  and
                   mArkEtInG tEAm             managers in the hotel business understand this very well. However, a certain cynicism
                       mumbai                 and foolhardiness is as significant a factor as any for growth. It needs a brave and
               hEAd - SAlES & mArkEtInG       adventurous spirit to create something new or blaze an unfurrowed path. These two
                Ajay Wadode: +91 8087127814   personalities that influenced the hospitality scene in their unique ways hold out lessons
                                              for the future.
                                               That some might balk at and even sound offended by comparisons, but experience
               SuBSCrIPtIon & dAtABASE        gathers its manuals of skills from a variety of sources.
               Gauri Sawant: +91 8369080796                                                              Anurag Yadav
                                                                Industy Expert
                                              Anurag Yadav is a travel author and columnist, writing on hospitality and design. An avid traveller, he has published
                                                                            five books and divides his time equally between Delhi and London.
           *responsible for selection of news under the PrB Act  The views expressed in the column are of the author, and may or may not be endorsed by the publication.
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