Page 9 - HBiz_October_2024
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                                         HOSPITALITY BIZ     OCTOBER, 2024                                              9

          The economic benefits of going green in hospitality

          By Dr Niraalee Shah, Responsible Tourism Society of India, State Convenor for Maharashtra

               he hospitality industry encompasses a wide range of businesses,   •   Sustainability becomes a unique
               including hotels, restaurants, resorts, and event venues, all of   selling point that sets you apart from
          Twhich cater to travelers, tourists, and locals. This industry’s   competitors in a crowded market.
          economic and social significance is undeniable, as it contributes
          significantly to local economies and employment opportunities.   3. TALENT ATTRACTION AND
          However, this impact often comes at an environmental cost, as the   RETENTION
          industry grows, so do its ecological footprints, prompting the need for a   In today’s competitive job market,
          shift toward sustainable practices. According to the Cambridge Institute   employees increasingly seek
          for Sustainability Leadership, tourism contributes about 5% of global   opportunities with environmentally
          greenhouse gas emissions a figure expected to rise by 130% by 2035.   conscious organizations, prompting
            Dr. Niraalee Shah, Managing Director of Travel Design, emphasizes   businesses to adopt sustainable practices
          the importance of sustainability in hospitality, stating, “Going green   to attract and retain top talent. A
          in hospitality not only reduces costs through energy savings but also   sustainable workplace fosters a positive company culture that enhances
          attracts eco-conscious travelers, boosting revenue and enhancing brand   employee engagement, satisfaction, and productivity. Here are a few
          loyalty.” In this article, we will explore the economic benefits with few   ways sustainability can enhance talent attraction and retention:
          ways to going green in hospitality, revealing how sustainable practices   •   Provide hospitality training programs that equip employees with
          can lead to cost savings, increased consumer loyalty, and a stronger   green skills and knowledge.
          brand reputation.                                      •   Pursue relevant eco-certifications that validate your organization’s
                                                                     sustainability efforts.
          1. GREATER FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE                       •   Highlight your Sustainability Efforts in recruitment
          One of the most immediate benefits of going green and adopting   •   Implement Employee-Led Green Initiatives
          sustainable practices in the hospitality sector is the reduction in energy
          costs. In India, while some sustainable hotel practices may require   4. LONG-TERM VIABILITY AND RESILIENCE
          upfront investments, many of them generate long-term financial   Adopting sustainable practices can help future-proof your hotel against
          benefits. Here are a few ways sustainability in the hospitality industry   regulatory changes and market shifts. No one knows what will happen
          helps you save money:                                  in the future, but with climate change and global warming, sustainability
          •   Implementing energy-efficient lighting, HVAC systems, and   can help you mitigate risks, and adapt to changing regulations and
             appliances can significantly lower electricity and gas bills over time.   consumer demands. Here are a few ways sustainability plays a role in
          •   Monitoring energy usage and making adjustments based on data   long-term viability and resilience:
             can lead to efficient operations and reduced energy waste.   •   Sustainable measures improve your resilience to climate-related
          •   Water-efficient fixtures, low-flow toilets, and rainwater harvesting   risks like flooding or extreme temperatures.
             systems can result in substantial water savings and decreased water   •   Efficient resource use ensures your hotel can operate during
             expenses. Reduced water consumption often leads to lower sewer   resource shortages, minimizing disruptions.
             fees charged by municipalities.                     •   A positive public image as a responsible and sustainable hotel can
          •   Implementing recycling and composting programs can lead to   help mitigate reputational damage during crises.
             decreased waste disposal costs by diverting materials from landfills.   •   Sustainability initiatives are part of a long-term investment strategy
          •   Opting for bulk amenities, refillable amenities dispensers, and   that yields long-term benefits.
             reusable products can reduce the need to purchase single-use items.
          2. ENHANCING BRAND REPUTATION AND LOYALTY              In conclusion, adopting green practices in the hospitality industry
          In an era where consumers are increasingly environmentally conscious,   presents significant economic benefits that extend beyond
          adopting sustainable practices has become essential for businesses in the   environmental responsibility, by investing in energy-efficient
          hospitality sector. Going green not only aligns companies with public   technologies and sustainable resources, hotels can substantially lower
          sentiments but also enhances brand reputation. Establishments that   operational costs through reduced energy and water consumption.
          prioritize sustainability initiatives are often perceived as responsible,   Additionally, the growing demand for eco-friendly accommodations
          ethical, and caring, resonating with a growing segment of eco-minded   allows businesses to attract a new demographic of eco-conscious
          travelers, here are a few ways sustainability can boost your brand   travelers, enhancing their market appeal. Ultimately, going green
          reputation and give you a competitive advantage:       not only fosters a positive brand image but also contributes to long-
          •   Embracing sustainability portrays your hotel as an ethical and   term profitability and sustainability, positioning hotels to thrive in an
             responsible organization that cares about the environment,   increasingly competitive market. n
             communities, and future generations.
          •   Guests appreciate transparency in sustainable practices, increasing   The views expressed within this column are the opinion of the
             trust in your brand.                                     author, and may not necessarily be endorsed by the publication.

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