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                                         HOSPITALITY BIZ     OCTOBER, 2024                                              11

          Leading Learners #3 | Championing Change

          By Prof. Satish Jayaram, PhD – Ideator | Innovator | Incubator

                  y last two columns Leading Learners #1 and #2, urged creation   structures. All accredited institutions/
                  of accountability within learning structures by renewing   faculty need to create their own degree of
          Mroles to prioritize change. This concluding column focuses on   signature credibility, through advanced
          championing change by analysing criticality and commitment in required   exposure/re-certification, meeting
          quarters. Case note – declining career choice for culinary/hospitality/  phygital learning and skilling standards.
          service domains. Are rewards visible in the context of changing economic   3. Skilling Systems: Module design,
          implications, of a fast growing USD 500 bn food and beverage market size   delivery, assessment and evaluation have
          by 2027? Current mentors across all levels and functions need to attract   gone through sea changes globally, yet
          future talent by repositioning growing opportunities! Areas affecting   methods deployed today remain hoary.
          quality, consistency and sustainability of talent pipelines for future needs   The priority to develop new bodies of contemporary underpinning
          include content, credibility and cultural baggage. An interconnection of   knowledge, by content renewal and restructuring is a crying need.
          these factors is framed, by highlighting the urgency to act progressively,   Affordability of progressive approaches can be highlighted from models
          eliminating the sluggish status quo in several systems.  like Swayam Plus, a powerful initiative by Ministry of Education, yet not
            NEP (2020) provides a progressive structure to achieve quality   fully leveraged nationally.
          through access, equity, affordability and accountability. The extent to   4. Supervisory Systems: Module supervision to achieve learning
          which these benefits are prioritized and leveraged in learning or skilling   outcomes is a curriculum design and delivery mission. Supervisory
          systems, depends on acceleration - by assigning stringent timelines.   systems have to change from a culture of mediocrity to one of incubating
          Visionary results can be achieved through system synergy, by assigning   excellence. Industry, employment and/or entrepreneurial outcome-based
          relevant roles with responsibility and governing result-oriented   performance management systems, must be instituted to bring in an ethos
          accountability. The question to really answer is whether existing talent   of transparency. Holistic implementation across academia and industry
          leaders, with limited resources and perspectives are fully empowered   will yield better results if fully owned.
          to bring in this change. Do existing constraints affect execution - by   Synergies between student, support, skilling and supervisory systems
          obscuring growing criticality and slowing commitment for change,   need a think-tank, comprising academia, industry, entrepreneurs and the
          across several stakeholder groups? Some inherent insights can be gauged   start-up ecosystem to work with urgency, address talent gaps and create
          through the modelling of both variables, criticality and commitment.   certifications/micro-credentials, aligning open credit accrual/transfer.
          While criticality remains masked, fluctuating between being concealed   Accountability to ensure system performance at optimal levels requires
          or revealed, commitment levels are either passive lip-service or occur in   answerable ownership. Cross functional teams across systems need to
          rarefied islands of excellence.                        practice in concert to win this relay race. Frequent outcome reviews
                                                                                and realignment through an overarching board,
                                                                                will ensure that there is coherence in efforts. The
                                                                                primary responsibility to lead learners, rests with
                                                                                policy makers and academic bodies via skilling
                                                                                delivery ecosystem partners alongside industry.
                                                                                Incorporation of advanced hybrid neo-skilling to
                                                                                offer open credit-based learning solutions, needs
                                                                                uniform incubation and acceptance first, then
                                                                                compliant conveyance as a universal minimum
                                                                                viable solution!
                                                                                   Leading effective learning experiences is
                                                                                a collective responsibility, yet structures for
                                                                                accountability, to deliver operative outcomes remain
                                                                                ambiguous. Stakeholder mapping, expectation
                                                                                alignment and engaged participation are some ways
             1. Student Systems: Progressive open-credit accrual systems can   in which real empowerment of talent pipelines can be accomplished. In
          be deployed to stack-up skills for interim outcomes. Multi-disciplinary   conclusion, obscuring criticality is ostrich-like behaviour, stakeholders
          learning can be adopted between periods of work, internship or summer   must definitively achieve consensus on deliverables without the
          school credits, to cement neo-skilling from practitioners. Changing   proverbial buck-passing. Once achieved, despite limitations of democratic
          contexts of student requirements remain largely concealed now. Access   encumbrances, active commitment to ascertain stakeholder-level support
          to learning opportunities can be re-structured, by mapping credits   credibly, must result in demonstration of a visibly renewed learning
          innovatively to suit emerging contexts.                culture! An engaged macro-skilling ecosystem, driven by accountability, is
            2. Support Systems: Subject matter expertise exists rarely in   the only real answer to protect future talents. But are all stakeholders truly
          progressive pockets within limited institutions, both globally and   championing this change vigorously?   n
          domestically. Students must gain equitable access countrywide, using   The views expressed within this column are the opinion of the author,
          digital learning, via synergistic institutional MoUs in collaborative   and may not necessarily be endorsed by the publication.

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