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                                         HOSPITALITY BIZ     OCTOBER, 2024                                              13

          ‘I believe in leading by working alongside my team to

          achieve our shared goals—‘One Team, One Dream’

                                                       As the hospitality industry in India continues to evolve, Tier
                                                       2 and 3 cities have emerged as key growth areas. One of the

                                                       finest examples of this is the recently opened Welcomhotel
                                                       Belagavi by ITC Hotels. Under the leadership of Rahul
                                                       Kanungo, General Manager of Welcomhotel Belagavi,
                                                       the property has swiftly established itself as a premier
                                                       destination for both leisure and corporate travellers. In an

                                                       exclusive interaction, with Asmita Mukherjee, Kanungo
                                                       shared insights on how the property is positioning itself to
                                                       thrive in a rapidly changing market and his vision for the
                                                       hotel’s future.

               elagavi, nestled equidistant from   sustainability goals. Kanungo emphasises,   teams, Kanungo has a wealth of experience
               Bengaluru, Mumbai, and Hyderabad,   “We are not just a city hotel; our resort-like   in overcoming the challenges associated
          Band just a stone’s throw from Goa,   architecture, vast open spaces, and luxurious   with launching a new hotel. “The key is to
          Kolhapur, and Hubli, is witnessing a rapid   amenities make us unique in the region.   get the ‘Triple P’—Product, People, and
          transformation. Known as one of India’s   We are aligned with ITC’s broader growth   Process—in place. With ITC’s brand strength,
          fastest-growing smart cities, it boasts a   strategy, which focuses on sustainability and   we were able to attract the right talent and
          unique blend of industrial growth, abundant   environment-friendly practices. Welcomhotel   set up efficient operations from day one.
          natural resources, and strategic connectivity.   Belagavi is the 25th property in the country to   Understanding the business landscape and
          According to Kanungo, this makes Belagavi   embody this vision.”         tapping into local resources has been crucial
          an attractive location for hospitality   As the hotel is still in its nascent stage,   to our success,” he explains.
          investments. “The city has long been a   Kanungo and his team are focused on   Kanungo has also earned a reputation
          contributor to India’s industrial development,   building a strong foundation. “Our primary   for turning around underperforming
          particularly in sectors such as aerospace and   focus is on large social events and MICE   properties. His strategy is simple yet
          automotive. With the growth of industries in   business, given our extensive banquet   effective: “It’s essential to understand the
          areas like Kanbargi and advancements like   facilities and room inventory. We aim to   property’s balance scorecard and market
          the country’s largest glass factory scaling up   maintain premium rates and maximise   mix. Energising the team and making
          operations, the demand for hospitality is on   RevPAR by offering high-category rooms with   them believe in their ability to bring about
          the rise,” he added.                breathtaking views of the city’s horizon and   change is critical. I always believe in working
           As the demand for both corporate and   the surrounding hills,” he shares.  alongside my team to achieve our goals—
          leisure travel increases, Welcomhotel Belagavi   In today’s fast-paced world, technology   ‘One Team, One Dream.’”
          has been designed to cater to diverse needs.   plays a crucial role in enhancing guest   Kanungo is optimistic about Welcomhotel
          “Our hotel is a tailored solution for travellers   experiences and optimising hotel operations.   Belagavi’s future. “Our ultimate goal is to
          seeking luxury and comfort. With large rooms   Welcomhotel Belagavi has embraced digital   make the hotel a destination where guests
          starting at 440 square feet, expansive banquet   transformation wholeheartedly. “We use   don’t just stay but have an experience
          spaces, modern amenities like a spa, infinity   the latest software for a seamless check-in   they cherish. We plan to expand our F&B
          pool, and a health club, we offer a resort-like   process, access-controlled elevators for guest   offerings with specialty eateries, enhance our
          experience amidst nature,” Kanungo explains.   security, and high-speed internet connectivity   banqueting experiences with technological
          The property’s proximity to industrial areas   for business travelers. Our F&B outlets   advancements, and collaborate with
          and the Belagavi Airport makes it convenient   are equipped with tab-based operations to   specialists from various fields to emerge as
          for business travelers, while its serene   improve turnaround times,” he reveals. The   the brand leader in the region,” he shares.
          location, surrounded by lush greenery and   hotel also uses social media as a powerful   The hotel will also focus on partnerships with
          windmills, appeals to leisure guests.  tool to connect with potential guests, making   travel agents, social media influencers, and
           What sets Welcomhotel Belagavi apart is   it an economical and effective mode of   technology providers to drive growth and
          its commitment to delivering exceptional   communication.                innovation. n
          guest experiences while adhering to ITC’s   Having been part of several pre-opening

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