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   16    EXPERT SPEAKCH                          HOSPIT ALITY BIZ    n n    OCT
                                                 HOSPITALITY BIZ     APRIL, 2024OBER, 2024
          Growing Market of HNWIs and India’s Evolving Luxury Ecosystem

          By Prem Anand, The LONDON BUTLER ACADEMY® Switzerland

            n recent years, India has witnessed a sharp rise in the number of High-Net-  cities like Mumbai and Delhi. Luxury consumers in India are not only looking
            Worth Individuals (HNWIs), driven by the robust growth of various sectors,   for  products  but  for  personalized  experiences,  from  private  fashion  shows  to
          Iincluding IT, financial services, pharmaceuticals, and entrepreneurship. The   bespoke tailoring services.
          term HNWI typically refers to individuals who hold investable assets exceeding   4. Experiential Luxury: The trend of experiential luxury is gaining momentum,
          $1 million, excluding their primary residence. This rapid increase in wealth is   where HNWIs are looking beyond tangible goods. Exclusive travel experiences, such
          shaping a new luxury ecosystem, where businesses are evolving to meet the   as private jet vacations, bespoke wellness retreats, and curated culinary tours, are in
          specific lifestyle needs of the affluent. However, while the opportunities are vast,   high demand. Indian hospitality giants are also stepping up, offering unique, ultra-
          the market also faces challenges in delivering to the exacting standards expected   luxury accommodations to cater to this shift in consumer preferences.
          by India’s ultra-wealthy.
                                                                 CHALLENGES IN CATERING TO THE LUXURY MARKET
          THE SURGE IN INDIA’S HNWI POPULATION                   Despite the opportunities, businesses face significant challenges when addressing
          According to Knight Frank’s “Wealth Report 2023,” India’s HNWI population   the needs of India’s HNWI population.
          grew by 11% in 2022, bringing the total number of individuals with net assets of   1. Infrastructure Limitations: India still struggles with infrastructure gaps in
          $1 million or more to over 797,000. This increase highlights the dynamic shift   areas like transportation and urban planning. Traffic congestion, subpar public
          occurring in India’s economy, where the rise of new business sectors and the   services, and the lack of ultra-modern luxury hubs hinder the ability to deliver
          global expansion of Indian enterprises have contributed to an unprecedented   seamless, world-class experiences that many HNWIs expect.
          accumulation of wealth.                                2. Cultural Nuances:  The Indian market is uniquely complex,  with a mix
           Furthermore,  a report by Bain & Company estimates that the number of   of conservative and modern preferences depending on the region and the
          ultra-high-net-worth individuals (UHNWIs)—those with assets exceeding   individual’s background.  Luxury brands often are navigating these cultural
          $30 million—is set to grow by 63% by 2026, further amplifying the need for a   nuances carefully, ensuring they provide personalized experiences that resonate
          sophisticated luxury market to cater to this segment.  with diverse preferences.
                                                                 3.  High  Import  Duties:  Many  luxury  products,  including  cars,  fashion,  and
          MARKET EVOLUTION: TAILORING TO THE NEEDS OF THE WEALTHY  electronics, face high import duties in India, making them significantly more
          With this expanding HNWI population, businesses in India are rushing to cater to   expensive than in other countries. This creates a disincentive for HNWIs to
          the luxury lifestyle aspirations of the wealthy. Traditionally, luxury consumption   purchase luxury goods domestically and drives them to shop abroad.
          in India was synonymous with foreign travel, where affluent Indians would shop   4. Talent Shortage in Luxury Services: The luxury market in India suffers from
          for designer brands or invest in international properties. However, as the domestic   a lack of trained professionals, particularly in the hospitality and personal service
          luxury market matures, high-net-worth families and individuals are increasingly   sectors. The demand for skilled butlers, estate managers, and personal assistants
          seeking premium experiences and products at home. Key areas where the market   is growing, but there remains a gap in training and availability.
          is evolving include:                                   5. Institutions that train staff in high-end hospitality and personal services,
          1. Luxury Real Estate: Developers are catering to HNWIs by offering exclusive   such as The London Butler Academy®, play a crucial role in bridging this gap.
          residences with world-class amenities such as private pools, high-tech home   We are looking for credible partners to develop talent.  The London Butler
          automation, and concierge services. Areas like South Mumbai, Gurgaon, and   Academy® is the first International Butler School established by an Indian
          Bengaluru have seen a surge in high-end real estate projects targeted specifically   British.
          at this demographic.
          2. Private Wealth Management: As their wealth grows, Indian HNWIs are   THE FUTURE OF INDIA’S LUXURY MARKET
          seeking  sophisticated  financial  management  solutions.  A report by  Ernst   As India’s HNWI population continues to grow, the market for luxury goods
          & Young notes that private banking and wealth management services are   and services is expected to flourish. The wealth management sector, luxury real
          flourishing, offering everything from investment advice to estate planning and   estate, and experiential services will be key drivers in this space. However, for
          family office services. In addition, wealth management firms are increasingly   the market to truly meet its potential, there must be an emphasis on improving
          integrating philanthropic planning, catering to the desire of wealthy individuals   infrastructure, reducing regulatory hurdles, and investing in talent development.
          to contribute to society.                               In conclusion, while India’s luxury ecosystem is evolving at a rapid pace to
          3. Luxury Retail: The high-end retail space in India is booming, with international   accommodate the rising HNWI population, businesses will need to navigate a
          brands such as Louis Vuitton, Gucci, and Hermes establishing flagship stores in   complex landscape of challenges to maintain sustainable growth. The future
                                                                 holds great promise,  with the market likely to expand further,  offering both
                                                                 domestic and international brands ample opportunities to engage with India’s
                            “I am deeply passionate about human behaviour and its
                            impact on service excellence.        wealthiest families and individuals.
                            I bring many years of successful luxury service   Concierge services catering to the Ultra high networth has boomed in the last
                            experience from the United Kingdom.   five years.
                            I empower businesses, leaders, and teams to
                            master client engagement, influence, and create
                            experiences which make their clients become their   SOURCES:
                            loyal ambassadors. I am Prem Anand, the founder of   •   Knight Frank, “Wealth Report 2023.”
                            The London Butler Academy in Switzerland, which helps
                            businesses in India provide Swiss Standards.  •   Bain & Company, “India Luxury Market Report 2022.”
                                                                 •   Ernst & Young, “India Private Banking and Wealth Management Report. n

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