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20    FEATURE                                 HOSPITALITY BIZ     AUGUST, 2024

          Evolving Role of

          a Housekeeper

          The role of a housekeeper has significantly evolved in
          the recent years. Various factors, including changing

          customer expectations, focus on health and safety,
          and technological advancements have been at the

          forefront of this evolution. Hospitality Biz talks
          to industry experts to present a round up of the

          changing scenario.

                ousekeeping department has been   work with green cleaning products, effective   of the reliable nature of their job, they are often
                the backbone of and an essential   waste management practices including   given additional administrative responsibilities
          Hpillar for the operational success of a   upcycling and going energy efficient,” informed   like inventory management.
          hotel. Over the years the role of a housekeeper   Sarita Fernandes, Director of Housekeeping –   “From data driven operations like
          has evolved and today their responsibilities do   IHCL, Goa.             performance analytics to predictive
          not only end at keeping the rooms, lobbies and   “The housekeeping sector has recently   maintenance and inventory management,
          other common areas clean, but also includes   seen significant evolution driven by   things are redefining the role of housekeeping
          specialised tasks like maintaining high standards   technological advances, consumer preferences,   in the hospitality industry luxury segment.
          of sanitization in the hotel environment,   and sustainability. Advanced technology   Backed by data, KPIs could be measured in
          specially in light of increased health concerns.   integration, such as robotic vacuums and   terms of cleaning efficiency, guest satisfaction
          Advanced cleaning equipment, eco-friendly   AI-powered systems, enhances efficiency and   and cost effectiveness of operations. Using data
          products and measures are being used to ensure   reduces manual labor. Data-driven approaches   to predict schedule maintenance proactively
          sustainability takes the centerstage.   improve operational efficiency, inventory   will deter equipment failure. These data-based
            Technological advancements and its   management, and service quality through   solutions will optimise inventory levels of
          integration have transformed the role of   real-time monitoring and customer feedback.   supplies, amenities and manpower,” added
          housekeepers. The use of automated systems   The adoption of mobile apps and cloud-based   Sarita.
          for scheduling, inventory management, and   systems streamlines task management and   “The future of the housekeeping industry
          even cleaning has become more common. The   communication,” said Vaneeta Arora, Corporate   is looking very different from its past. The
          housekeepers now need to be tech savvy, capable   Director, Housekeeping, The Park, New Delhi.  industry is changing and evolving to meet the
          of operating sophisticated cleaning machinery   “Sustainability practices are also on the   needs of an innovative generation of customers.
          and digital management systems. This shift   rise, with a shift toward eco-friendly, non-toxic   Housekeeping has conventionally been seen as
          not only enhances efficiency but also allows   cleaning solutions and a heightened focus on   a low-skilled, low-wage job. However, this is no
          housekeepers to provide more personalised   health and hygiene, especially post-pandemic.   longer the case as the industry is now cherishing
          services by tracking guest preferences and   Efforts to reduce waste include using reusable   employees with higher levels of education
          needs.                              cleaning materials and recycling. Additionally,   and training, Trend have change where the
            “To cater to today’s discerning guest, where   air purifiers and regular HVAC maintenance are   companies try to retain their employees and do
          in the luxury sector it is expected that the team   employed to ensure better indoor air quality.   the best to trained them rather than hiring from
          curate an experience every time, the scene is   These trends highlight a move towards greater   other companies, they are growing team within
          evolving rapidly. Gone are the days when deep   efficiency, personalisation, and eco-friendliness   the company,” said Jayashree Nagaraj, Founder
          cleaning and sanitisation were the only aspects   in response to technological advancements   President and Chairperson, Professional
          of housekeeping. Today, these factors are given,   and evolving consumer expectations,” added   Housekeepers Association.
          taking this further the housekeepers of today   Vaneeta.                    “The future of housekeeping operations
          are working with and managing allergens, air   Housekeeping team members are   will be driven by technological advancements,
          quality etc. Personalising and customising   increasingly interacting with customers, and   evolving consumer expectations, and a stronger
          services like tailored cleaning plans, specialised   often serve as the face of the establishment,   focus on sustainability and efficiency. Key
          cleaning services. Raising the bar with IHCL’s   providing information and assistance, thus   changes will include increased automation,
          Paathya initiatives, our housekeeping teams   requiring good communication skills. Because   with sophisticated robotic systems taking

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