Page 21 - HBiz_August_2024
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                                           HOSPITALITY BIZ     AUGUST, 2024                                             21

          over tasks like vacuuming, mopping, and   also provides housekeepers with opportunities   staffing, inventory management, and scheduling
          dusting. Automated scheduling will optimize   for career growth and advancement.  to enhance operational efficiency. Leadership
          workflows and resource allocation. Advanced   “Evolving significantly, the role of an   and team management have become more
          data analytics and AI will predict equipment   executive housekeeper has transformed from   prominent, with responsibilities including team
          failures and personalize cleaning services based   a primarily operational position to one that   development, training programs, and fostering a
          on client preferences and historical data. Smart   demands strategic thinking and business   positive work environment,” said Vaneeta.
          technology will integrate Internet of Things   acumen. Today’s housekeepers are expected   “Collaboration with other departments,
          (IoT) devices for real-time monitoring and   to contribute to the overall hotel strategy,   such as front desk, maintenance, and food
          management, and voice-activated assistants will   operational efficiency and revenue generation.   and beverage, is essential to ensure seamless
          enable hands-free control of housekeeping tasks.   Their primary roles are developing and   operations and guest satisfaction. Executive
          Sustainability efforts will focus on zero-waste   managing department budgets, control costs and   housekeepers are also key players in promoting
          initiatives, biodegradable products, and green   measure return on investments on housekeeping   sustainable practices, achieving environmental
          certifications. Enhanced health and hygiene   initiatives. Hence it would be right to say that   certifications, and managing energy
          standards will be achieved through advanced   today’s housekeeper has a chair on the board   consumption. They are increasingly included

                  Sarita Fernandes                      Vaneeta Arora                     Jayashree Nagaraj
               Director, Housekeeping          Corporate Director, Housekeeping,         Founder President and
                      IHCL, Goa                       The Park, New Delhi.              Chairperson, Professional
                                                                                       Housekeepers Association
          disinfection technologies like UV-C light and   and is no longer just managing a department but   in senior management meetings and decision-
          improved air quality management,” informed   is becoming a strategic business partner,” added   making processes, contributing to corporate-
          Vaneeta.                            Sarita.                              level strategies and decisions. The role now
            “Future housekeeping will offer bespoke   “With increased number of hotels of the   demands advanced training and professional
          cleaning solutions tailored to individual needs,   same brand in a city opening up, the trend of   development to stay abreast of industry trends
          utilizing virtual reality (VR) for immersive staff   having a multi property executive housekeeper   and managerial skills. Recognised as crucial
          training. Integration with smart home systems   is also catching up. Executive housekeeper   to hotel success, Executive Housekeepers are
          will automate and synchronize cleaning tasks,   can be cluster executive housekeeper,   finding greater professional recognition and
          while remote monitoring via smartphone apps   undertaking a corporate role. The future role   career advancement opportunities, reflecting
          will become commonplace. Robust health and   for an executive housekeeper will be that of a   their expanded strategic and managerial
          safety measures will ensure staff wellbeing, with   Director of Housekeeping. It has taken years   responsibilities,” added Vaneeta.
          better protective equipment and ergonomic   for the hospitality industry to understand that   “The future housekeeping looks very bright.
          tools. There will also be a focus on employee   a housekeeping professional can be elevated to   There are many new trends emerging that will
          satisfaction through recognition programs and   the position of Director of Rooms and General   help to make the job of a housekeeper easier,
          career development opportunities. Enhanced   Manager,” said Jayashree.   driving increased efficiencies. Technology will
          protocols for data protection and privacy will   “The role of an Executive Housekeeper   continue to help us deliver better. Exciting new
          be crucial to safeguard sensitive customer   has evolved significantly with the expansion   trends are being adapted by hotels for better
          information. These changes will promote greater   of the hotel industry. They are now integral   outcomes,” concluded Jayashree.
          efficiency, personalisation, and environmental   to strategic planning, developing cleaning   The role of housekeepers has evolved
          responsibility in the housekeeping sector,” added   protocols, sustainability initiatives, and cost   from basic cleaning to a multifaceted
          Vaneeta.                            management strategies. Their responsibilities   position requiring a range of skills, including
            With these expanded roles, there is a   extend to budgeting and financial planning,   technological proficiency, specialised cleaning
          growing need for professional development   overseeing expenses related to housekeeping   knowledge, and customer service. As the
          and training in the housekeeping field. Many   operations, supplies, and staff. With the rise of   industry continues to grow and change,
          organisations are investing in training programs   smart technologies and automation, Executive   housekeepers will remain vital, adapting to new
          to equip housekeepers with skills in advanced   Housekeepers oversee the implementation   challenges and expectations. Their role is now
          cleaning techniques, technology usage, and   and management of these systems, ensuring   recognised as not just essential but also as a
          customer service. This professionalisation of the   alignment with the hotel’s needs. They leverage   professional career path with opportunities for
          role not only enhances the quality of service but   data analytics for informed decision-making in   development and advancement. n

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