Page 9 - HBiz_August_2024
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ExpErt SpEak
                                           Hospitality Biz     august, 2024                                             9

          Leading Learners #1 | Actioning Accountability

          By Prof. Satish Jayaram, PhD – Ideator | Innovator | Incubator

                dminutiae #1, 2, 3 have set the pace for diagnosis and   expertise and insights that are not
                extraction of ‘bugs’ from problem domains. This piece focuses   necessarily documented in the
          Aon immediate priorities like short, medium and long term –   public domain, enable professional
          leadership-role clarity, necessary to incubate future talents. This pathway   orientation. Skills vary according
          to success is a structured journey, where leadership styles need to be   to business type, brand standards,
          alternated like a relay. Creating guide rails to shepherd future leaders   market orientation and other
          with ongoing skill incubation is a continuous process. Considering   factors and will not be stereotypical.
          perpetual talent deficits, establish an effective approach, to allay   Expansion of vocational skills to
          future disenchantment! Inspiration is drawn from multiple situational   professional levels can be reinforced
          leadership models, where recognition of changing development stages   from repeated practice. This interim
          requires complementary leadership behaviour. Ongoing discussions with   stage is a decisive component for cementing future direction.
          institutional leaders, faculty members and students - highlight multiple   3.  Year 3 (Choice Stage): Functional expertise from practitioners,
          expectation gaps and related opportunities for improvement. To build   plays an important role in matching learner competence with career
          future talent and skills for a rapidly changing and thriving industry, each   guidance. Establishing interest, growing depth and accuracy - dovetailed
          one must consider changing leadership behaviour!       with industry requirements, can be better enabled through mentorship.
            Two dimensions, leadership style for impact and levels of skill   Veterans, stalwarts and legends in the field, make great role models,
          development must be considered. Early stages of development require   where unique nuances and insights can be leveraged in celebrating
          more prescriptive approaches to set the right standards. As new   career stories. Vocational expertise in a core area is the entry ticket to a
          alternatives emerge, supportive guidance will facilitate better choices.   professional career in that domain, adaptation remains vital as currency.
          The impact of experience, whether during training or industrial   4. Year 4 (Growth Stage): Pathway leaders who have successfully
          exposure, can determine if competence development levels of talent   navigated this development journey make ideal benchmarks. Plotting
          can be accurately categorized. Vocational - such as culinary expertise   career journeys from a current stage of development to a desired future
          in hot kitchens, bakery, pastry and chocolate in food production. Or   stage of professional expertise must be formalized. This pattern could
          professional - such as functional expertise in revenue management,   include periods of new learning, joint development and work synergies,
          business development, digital marketing and intrapreneurship. The   remaining current with industry practice. Acceptance of such growth
          opportunity to develop cross-over competences will evolve as talents   pathways is crucial in managing expectations, setting standards and
          mature, guiding their future career choices.           renewing hybrid skills for targeted career competencies.
                                                                                         Many initial learning journeys last 3
                                                                                     to 5 years, including intermittent periods
                                                                                     of experience interspersed with skilling.
                                                                                     An inter-change of knowledge, application
                                                                                     and practice ensconces itself firmly in
                                                                                     learner minds, as they formalize options.
                                                                                     There is no dearth of ubiquitous learning
                                                                                     content in a democratic universe of tech-
                                                                                     enabled access. Yet, human intervention
                                                                                     is required to cement learning outcomes,
                                                                                     from accountable leadership practice. The
                                                                                     responsibility for such optimal leadership,
                                                                                     extends beyond institutional confines alone.
                                                                                     It requires a concerted effort from shared
                                                                                     projects, involving multi-level expertise.
                                                                                     Professional guidance from subject matter
                                                                                     experts including reliance on synergistic
            1. Year 1 (Early Stage): Leadership provided by institutional faculty   industry programs as incubators of future talent is moot. The metaphor
          members plays a crucial role as this stage. Subject competence is a huge   of shaping clay comes to mind, involving many stages before the final
          motivator as initial mental models are formed. At early stages, vocational   product is delivered. Interventional leadership relays are much like
          development establishes competence levels required at entry levels, in   that comprehensive process. A series of expert inputs - at appropriate
          industry. Recent experiences, contemporary sources and open access   times, stages ensuring targeted outcomes – both in learning and for
          through learning management systems, plays an important role in   development. My next column will demystify some leadership roles,
          revealing curated content pipelines. The quality of knowledge secured at   treasured by learners in skilling contexts. n
          this stage, makes a definitive impact aligning future choices.
            2. Year 2 (Interim Stage): Industrial coaches play a crucial role in   The views expressed within this column are the opinion of the
          cementing knowledge into application during training periods. Subject   author, and may not necessarily be endorsed by the publication.

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