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12    INTERVIEW                             HOSPITALITY BIZ     AUGUST, 2024

                                              ‘We’re targeting business travellers

                                              with competitive packages and

                                              strategic partnerships’

                                              In a competitive hospitality market like Bengaluru, Hyatt Centric Hebbal Bengaluru
                                              has implemented a strategic approach to attract new business. By leveraging
                                              its prime location near corporate hubs, the hotel targets business travellers with
                                              competitive packages and strategic partnerships. Their digital marketing efforts,
                                              including SEO, social media, and targeted advertising, have positioned them as
                                              a premier choice for luxury stays and exceptional dining experiences. Asmita
                                              Mukherjee spoke with Rohan Raj, Director of Sales and Marketing, Hyatt
                                              Centric Hebbal Bengaluru to know how the hotel is managing to know how the
                                              hotel is keeping pace with the fierce competition in the Bengaluru market.

          Q   What strategies have you found effective in attracting new   and upselling initiatives, combined with the effective use of CRM, have
              business to Hyatt Centric Hebbal Bengaluru, especially in the
                                                                 significantly contributed to increased guest spending and customer loyalty.
          competitive hospitality market of Bengaluru?
          Hyatt Centric Hebbal Bengaluru is strategically growing its clientele   Q  How do you maintain strong relationships with key accounts
          through a multi-pronged approach. By leveraging our prime location   and clients? What practices or systems do you have in place to
          near corporate hubs, we’re targeting business travellers with competitive   manage and nurture these relationships?
          packages and strategic partnerships. Our digital marketing efforts,   We cultivate enduring partnerships with key accounts through
          including SEO, social media, and targeted advertising, position us as   personalised service and deep customer understanding. By recognising
          a premier choice for luxury stays and exceptional dining experiences.   and rewarding loyalty with exclusive benefits, we foster long-term
          Additionally, we’re actively involved in the local community through   relationships. Our commitment to guest satisfaction is evident in our
          event hosting and sponsorships, aligning with our brand identity and   proactive approach to gathering and implementing feedback. Dedicated
          attracting a diverse audience. A strong online presence, optimised for   account managers provide consistent, tailored support to ensure clients
          user experience and mobile devices, combined with referral programs, is   feel valued and cared for.
          driving customer loyalty and attracting new guests.
                                                                 Q   How do you approach training and mentoring your sales and
                                                                     marketing team to ensure they are equipped with the skills and
          Q   How do you approach budgeting and forecasting for a hotel   knowledge needed to achieve organisational goals?
              of this scale? What tools or methodologies do you find most
          effective?                                             Our sales and marketing teams are equipped with the knowledge and
          Developing accurate budgets and forecasts for a hotel of this scale is a   skills to drive success. Through comprehensive training in product
          complex process. It requires a deep dive into historical performance   knowledge, sales techniques, negotiation, and relationship building,
          data, including occupancy, average daily rates, and revenue per available   we ensure our team is well-prepared to exceed guest expectations.
          room. By closely monitoring economic trends, competitive landscapes,   Proficiency in CRM systems, digital marketing tools, and revenue
          and industry projections, we can build a solid foundation for forecasting.   management software is essential to their role. We invest in leadership
          Collaborative budgeting, involving all departments, ensures alignment   development and mentorship to nurture talent and create a high-
          with operational goals and financial targets. Leveraging revenue   performing team capable of achieving our organisational objectives.
          management software to optimize pricing and inventory further
          enhances our ability to predict future performance and allocate resources   Q  What are your future goals for Hyatt Centric Hebbal Bengaluru
          effectively.                                               in terms of sales and marketing?
                                                                 Hyatt Centric Hebbal Bengaluru envisions a future marked by growth
          Q   What high-growth sales strategies have you implemented at   and exceptional guest experiences. Our strategic focus includes
              Hyatt Centric Hebbal Bengaluru that have yielded significant
                                                                 expanding our market reach through targeted campaigns aimed at new
          results?                                               geographic regions and demographic segments. We are committed to
          Hyatt Centric Hebbal Bengaluru drives revenue growth through a highly   continuous innovation, elevating our F&B offerings, spa services, and
          targeted sales approach. By meticulously segmenting our market and   technological integrations to create unforgettable stays. By embracing
          tailoring campaigns to specific customer groups, such as corporate clients,   sustainability and positioning ourselves as leaders in experiential luxury
          wedding planners, and travel agents, we’ve maximised our sales impact.   and cultural immersion, we aim to solidify our status as a premier
          Our direct sales team is empowered to build strong relationships and   destination in the highly competitive hospitality industry. n
          deliver personalized solutions to key accounts. Strategic cross-selling       

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