Page 11 - HBiz_August_2024
P. 11

                                            HOSPITALITY BIZ     AUGUST 2024                                             11

          We are optimistic that this development will not only propel the domestic   need to migrate to cities, reducing mobility. Such
          tourism sector but will also provide an opportunity for foreign tourists to   initiatives are crucial for hyper-local job
          further explore the rich culture of India.                                  creation and boosting the manufacturing
                                                                                       sector, driving India towards becoming a
                           Pulkit Arora, Director, CYK Hospitalities                   USD 10 trillion economy in the next 7-10
                              Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman’s budget             years.
                               is a game changer for the tourism sector.                  The Union Budget’s provision for
                                India aims to establish itself as a world-            INR 10 lakh education loans with interest
                                class tourist destination, focusing on places       relief for higher education in India is a big win
                                that are of immense spiritual importance,        for those pursuing the academic route. Given our
                                which includes Vishnupath temple at   low gross enrollment ratio, these loans will make quality education more
                               Gaya, and Mahabodhi temple in Bodhgaya,   accessible, allowing students to choose institutions of merit. This embodies
                             and comprehensive development of the Kashi   ‘Sabka Saath, Sabka Vikas,’ fostering inclusivity from the ground up. By
                          Vishwanath corridor, and the Brahmkunda of Rajgir   enhancing local education opportunities and increasing our GER from 26%
          and Nalanda, in Bihar.                                 to at least 40% in the next 5 years, we can cultivate a skilled, competent,
            The Indian Food and Beverage industry rises significantly each year.   and agile-thinking workforce. This workforce is essential for job creation,
          As India aims to promote world-class tourism experience, this would also   manufacturing growth, and meeting the workforce needs across various
          benefit the F&B industry. The inflow of tourists - international or domestic   sectors, supporting ‘Made in India for India and Made in India for the
          would like experience the taste of the local food, which will eventually bring   world,’ and propelling us towards becoming a USD 10 trillion economy in
          up the demand for local food vendors as well as reputed food brands. This   the next 7-10 years.
          would significantly result in economic and social growth. Also, there will
          be an increase in local employment opportunities to run successful food   Ahsan Shervani, Vice President, Star Hotels
          businesses and manage tourists in these cities.                            Pvt Ltd (Shervani Hotels)
                                                                                      We welcome the allocation of approximately
                          Manoj Bhat, MD & CEO, Mahindra Holidays                      INR 2,450 crores to the sector, marking a
                             and Resorts India Ltd                                     44.7% increase from previous estimates.
                               The budget is focused on fiscal prudence,               This funding aims to enhance employment
                                stimulating investments, providing                     and stimulate tourism growth which is a
                                employment, and encouraging growth in                 welcomed move. As an industry we are still
                                the economy. The emphasis on improved               eagerly looking for a bit more rationalization
                                connectivity and infrastructure will greatly     in the GST structure for hotels and grant of
                               benefit the domestic tourism sector. The   infrastructure status to the industry.
                             spotlight on developing religious tourism,
                          will further boost the local economy by providing       SP Jain, Chairman and Founder, Pride Hotels
          investment and employment.                                                 Group
                                                                                      We warmly welcome the budget announced
                           Akash Bhatia, CEO, Eco Hotels and Resorts                   today by Finance Minister Nirmala
                              Limited                                                  Sitharaman. The government’s focus
                               The recent budget plan highlights a                     on the tourism industry, especially
                                game-changing vision for India’s tourism               the development initiatives for
                                industry. Building up the Vishnupad and               Jharkhand, Odisha, and the North East,
                                Mahabodhi Temple corridors, along with              is commendable. The special emphasis on
                                the extensive development of Rajgir and          Rajgir and Nalanda will undoubtedly enhance
                               re-establishing the Nalanda University, will   religious and cultural tourism, creating new opportunities for growth and
                             elevate India’s cultural and historical charm.   community engagement.
                          We’re delighted about the assistance for making   In 2023, India’s tourism sector attracted over 9 million foreign tourists,
          Odisha an ultimate top-spot for tourists. As one of the key players in the   marking a remarkable growth rate of over 40% year-on-year. The budget’s
          hotel business, it is our aim to ensure that our services will be exceptional   commitment to enhancing spiritual tourism, particularly through the
          enough to match these improvements and give guests amazing experiences   development of significant sites like Bodh Gaya and the Vishnupada
          that draw attention to India’s deep roots and lively culture.”  Temple, is a strategic move that promises substantial economic benefits for
                                                                 the regions involved.
          Kunal Vasudeva, Co - Founder & Managing Director, Indian School   However, we had hoped that the Honorable Minister would grant
          of Hospitality                                         infrastructure status to the hospitality industry. As a highly capital-intensive
          The government’s allocation of INR 1.48 lakh crore for education,   sector, our industry requires significant investments, and the initial 3-4
          employment, and skilling, including training 20 lakh youth and upgrading   years often yield no profits due to high-interest loans from banks. Granting
          1000 institutes, is a significant step forward. For those pursuing vocational   infrastructure status would enable us to access loans at lower interest rates,
          routes, this is a major win. It will help people develop practical skills   facilitating the development of more hotels and improving the quality of
          and excel in their fields, bringing more youth into the formal economy.   facilities offered. This is essential to attract both Indian and international
          Additionally, with manufacturing bases in or near districts, there’s less   tourists and to support the overall development of our industry. n

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