Page 16 - HBiz_October_2024
P. 16

16    INTERVIEW                               HOSPITALITY BIZ     OCTOBER, 2024

          Q   Cygnett was expecting to have 45   coming years. Our growth strategy has been   rich cultural destination is gaining prominence
                                                                                   as a MICE hub. The country’s economic
                                              driven by entering markets with a high
              operational hotels by 2024. Could you
          share your progress toward this goal and any   demand for branded, service-oriented hotels.   growth, and cultural heritage also bodes well
          challenges you’ve faced?            I see the biggest opportunities in India’s Tier   for the future growth of inbound tourism.
          Cygnett Hotels and Resorts is a dynamic,   2 and Tier 3 cities, where there remains a
          tech-savvy, and one of the fastest-growing   significant gap in branded hotel options.   Q  Cygnett has been active in both
          hotel chains, offering a diverse range of hotels   Additionally, the Northeastern region of India   greenfield and brownfield projects.
          from budget to upscale luxury. In just 10   offers tremendous potential. With its untapped   Could you share some insights into how you
          years of operation, the company has rapidly   tourism resources and rapid infrastructure   approach these two types of projects and the
          expanded its portfolio, with nearly 50 hotels   development, we’ve expanded our presence   unique challenges and opportunities they
          either operational, in pre-opening stages, or   there, recently signing new properties in   present?
          under development. In terms of total aligned   Dibrugarh, Tawang, Golaghat, and Borpeta.   When it comes to greenfield projects, they
          properties under the Cygnett brand, including   Another key area of growth is the Indian   are full of potential, and we are involved from
          our pipeline projects, we are exceeding   religious circuit, where we see increasing   the very beginning. Our approach starts with
          our targets. This year has been particularly   demand for branded hotels due to the rising   comprehensive feasibility studies to assess
          significant, with multiple signings for our   number of visitors year over year. Furthermore,   the market needs, helping us determine the
          luxury brands, Anamore and Ayurvyaas.   emerging destinations, particularly those   most viable product, the level of investment
          Additionally, we’ve seen a strong response in   gaining popularity among younger travelers,   required, and anticipated ROI. Envisioning
          the midscale and value segments, securing   present significant opportunities for the   the final product is crucial, and we focus on
          12-15 new properties under the Cygnett Inn,   hospitality sector.        aligning the concept with market demands
          Cygnett Style, and Cozzet brands. I foresee                              before moving forward. We also rely on our
          Cygnett continuing a rapid growth trajectory,   Q  Domestic tourism has become   meticulously developed brand manuals for
          expanding our presence across India.     the backbone of the tourism and   each of our brands, which guide the design
           As for challenges, there aren’t many,   hospitality industry in India. How do you   process. Our technical teams work closely to
          though project timelines remain a key area   view the demand from domestic tourists in   ensure that execution is monitored effectively,
          for improvement, especially in India, where   comparison to international tourists in the   ensuring the final product delivers the
          developments can move at a slower pace.   coming years?                  Cygnetture experience and  right return on
          That said, we are a tech-savvy company with   Even with the pandemic behind us, domestic   investment.
          a strong fundamental, as a company we   tourism remains the lifeline of hotels across   In contrast, brownfield projects present
          prioritize transforming and keeping ourselves   India. Whether for weekend getaways or   fewer opportunities for customization since
          ahead of time and for future challenges.  weddings, the demand from domestic   we come in later during the development
                                              travellers continues to bosting occupancy   phase. However, we focus on optimizing what’s
          Q   As Cygnett moves closer to its goal   higher and fill rooms. Over the next few years,   already in place, ensuring the best use of
                                                                                   existing structures. Our technical team works
              of 100 properties, what are the key
                                              we expect domestic tourism to grow further
          factors driving your growth strategy, and   driven by leisure, business, MICE and wedding   diligently to design and adapt within those
          where do you see the biggest opportunities   segments.                   parameters, while strictly adhering to our
          for further expansion? Are there any specific   In comparison, inbound tourism has   brand standards and manuals to deliver a high-
          geographical locations you plan to expand in   been slower to recover as global economic   quality, efficient hotel without compromise.
          India and abroad?                   downturn. However, beginning 2025, I
          We are well on track to reach the significant   anticipate a strong resurgence in demand from   Q  Cygnett has a strong presence in
          milestone of 100 operational hotels in the   international markets. India apart from being a   the mid-segment market. Are you
                                                                                   exploring opportunities in other verticals
                                                                                   such as luxury and wellness, or long-stay
                                                                                   From day one, we had plans to add the luxury
                                                                                   segment to our portfolio, and I am pleased to
                                                                                   tell you that we are well on track to introduce
                                                                                   our luxury hotel brand soon. Anamore is the
                                                                                   upscale brand of Cygnett Hotels & Resorts.
                                                                                   At Anamore, it’s more than just a hotel stay;
                                                                                   it’s about offering luxuriously comfortable
                                                                                   accommodations and a wide range of premium
                                                                                   facilities. We have signed more than a couple
                                                                                   of Anamore properties in the country, and they
                                                                                   are currently in the development stage.
                                                                                     In terms of wellness, which is one of the
                                                                                   top tourist trends in 2024 and a key priority
                                                                                   for today’s travelers, we are also ahead of
                                                                                   the curve. We have Ayurvyaas, a lifestyle

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