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14    BUTLER-COACH                            HOSPITALITY BIZ     AUGUST, 2024

          Fundamental Principles of Memorable Experience

          By Prem Anand, The LONDON BUTLER ACADEMY® Switzerland

               hroughout our lives, we do random things and encounter things
               and people. We can remember some memories stay with us for a           “I am deeply passionate about human behaviour and
          Tlong time and others for a lifetime.                                       its impact on service excellence.
                                                                                      I bring many years of successful luxury service
           How does this happen?                                                      experience from the United Kingdom.
           Why do we choose to retain some memories?                                  I empower businesses, leaders, and teams to
                                                                                      master client engagement, influence, and create
           If we understand how we choose what to keep and relive many times,         experiences which make their clients become their
          it is easier to be in a position to know how to create.                     loyal ambassadors.
                                                                                      I am Prem Anand, the founder of The London Butler
                                                                                      Academy in Switzerland, which helps businesses in
           Fundamental Principles of Memorable Experience in Hospitality              India provide Swiss Standards.
           In this competitive hospitality market, creating memorable experiences
          is crucial for success. This involves not just excellent service but crafting
          lasting moments.                                       experienced in the individual’s environment, such as events, activities,
           Key principles include:                               occurrences, things, etc.
           Personalization:  Personalization is critical, from greeting guests by   I have named this approach the environment-centred approach.
          name to tailoring services.                             Experiencing the northern lights, visiting the museum, getting a ticket
           Consistency Maintaining high standards across all touchpoints   to the band the client enjoys, or watching a game of Wimbledon.
          ensures  guests  know  what  to  expect,  from  room  cleanliness  to  staff   The second approach is focused more on the ‘experiencer’ and the
          courtesy.                                              effects that they experience. Hence, I have called this approach the effect-
           Attention to Detail: Attention to unspoken needs is essential.  centred approach.
           Emotional Connection:  Genuine warmth  and empathy from staff   Sky diving, snorkelling, taking the client to catch the fish that will
          foster loyalty and special memories.                   be cooked for their dinner, or the event organiser playing the original
           Unique Offerings: Set establishments apart and provide guests with   wedding song during the 25th wedding anniversary celebrations.
          memorable stories.                                      The third approach, the encounter-centred approach, is focused on the
           Seamless Experience: Efficient processes, clear communication, and   characteristics of the individual’s encounter and environment.
          responsive service                                      Meeting the King at Buckingham Palace or encountering a humpback
           Surprise and Delight: Unexpected gestures             whale while swimming.
           Staff Empowerment: Provide training, resources, and a supportive   Let us have a closer look at what happens.
          environment.                                            Memorable experiences can significantly impact our emotions,
           Sensory Engagement: Engaging multiple senses can anchor memories   memory, and behaviour, making a lasting impression.
          more deeply.
                                                                  Cognitive Impact
           For your businesses, the challenge is to have intelligent people   •   Formation of Vivid Memories: Memorable experiences are encoded
           Who can sense, relate, feel, think quickly and act on it?    in the brain as vivid, detailed memories. Due to their emotional
           One approach focuses on the ‘experienced being’ or ‘what’ that is   content, these memories are more likely to be recalled than ordinary
                                                                 •   This recall often reactivates the positive emotions associated with
                                                                    the experience, reinforcing its impact.
                                                                 •   Positive Associations: The individual who receives such experience
                                                                    forms positive associations with the brand or service.
                                                                 •   These associations are not just about the specific details of the
                                                                    service but also about how the experience made them feel. This is
                                                                    crucial for brands seeking long-term loyalty and advocacy.

                                                                  Emotional Well-being
                                                                 •   Enhanced Well-being: Positive experiences  contribute to an
                                                                    individual’s well-being. Memorable experiences can provide a
                                                                    sense of escape, relaxation, and happiness, which are beneficial for
                                                                    mental health.
                                                                 •   Sense of Appreciation and Belonging: When the service is
                                                                    personalised, individuals often feel a deep understanding of being
                                                                    valued and appreciated.
                                                                 •   This can lead to a feeling of belonging or being part of something
                                                                    exclusive, which is particularly significant in luxury settings. n

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