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17                                         HOSPITALITY BIZ     AUGUST, 2024                  INTERVIEW               13

          ‘We ensure all our practices are sustainable’

             House of Malaka Spice was established by Praful and Cheeru Chandawarkar in
             Pune in 1997. The duo travelled extensively in the Southeast Asia region during
             their seven years stay in Hong Kong and came back to India with a collection of
             recipes that not only preserves the authenticity of the region, but they also infused
             their innovative twists to it, to create a menu that has become an aspiration
             for many. Praful Chandawarkar, Founder and Managing Director, Chiranjeev
             Restaurant and Foods Pvt Ltd (House of Malaka Spice) talks to Sumit Jha about
             his journey from investment banking to hospitality.

          Q   How did the journey in this industry   from Mumbai had. Plus, the IT industry in Pune
              start for you?
                                              had started to boom, and the city was becoming
          I come from a background of multiple   more cosmopolitan. I knew that business would
          education. While my first education was in   be successful, and things did turn in our favour.
          hospitality, the initial days of working in the   Today, we have been around for 27 years.
          hospitality industry did not meet up with my   Our deep knowledge of financials helped
          expectations because I realised that I was not   us a lot to survive and grow even in very lean
          going to make the kind of money potentially   periods. The nuances of understanding profit
          working for someone. The reason I did not   and loss, and cash flows and balance sheets and   food. And they are also cloud kitchens. With an
          last more than 5 months in my first job with   understanding how investments and savings are   investment of about rupees 20 lakhs, the return
          the ITC group. I started an enterprise at a very   done, is not there in chef driven places.  is in the range of a lakh or a lakh and a half
          young age, and learnt it the hard way that when                          every month, net of taxes.
          you don’t have capital, your enterprises tend to   Q  How has the business grown for you and
          shut. I shut three enterprises before moving to   what are the future plans?  Q  What is your new management contract
          Hong Kong where I got an opportunity to work   We have been profitable from the year 2000. We   business?
          in the financial sector. While I was there for   now have four Malaka Spice restaurants and   We have a management operations business
          seven years, me and my then girlfriend Cheeru,   three outlets of One China. Before Covid we had   that will work under the banner of the House of
          travelled extensively, ate local food and created a   eight Malaka Spice restaurants. After covid we   Malaka. Because we promote the Artha-shastra
          bank of regional recipes that we enjoyed. Shortly   learnt a lot and started building cloud kitchens   as a thought process, we are getting contracts
          after coming back to India, I decided to go back   which have seatings. Those are the One China   to run other people’s restaurants and resorts.
          into the food and beverage industry. I found a   hybrid models, which are recession proof and   We have chosen a resort in Mulshi (on the
          small space in Pune and used my reserves to   work in small areas and small towns, and that   outskirts of Pune) because there were synergies
          start an enterprise. I started Malaka Spice.   is where the growth is going to come from. I   in the new promoter of that resort. He thinks
           Hospitality industry attracts passionate   feel One China is going to be 100 outlets in   like us. This is our first management contract
          people, which I believe I am. All entrepreneurs   five years, whereas Malaka Spice is going to be   project. We will operate that business as per
          journey will have its ups and downs. We   restricted to 10.              our philosophies and make sure that it becomes
          have had many, but all of them have been                                 profitable. We are not making the same mistakes
          educative for us. We are patient, and also plan   Q  How has the franchising route worked   that we made with other franchisees.
          our succession. I truly believe that restaurant   for you?
          concepts come to fruition in 30 years and die   With Malaka Spice, we have gone the franchise   Q  What is competition for you?
          somewhere around the 100th year.    route and have failed in it. We have had many   We are well aware of our competition. We
                                              issues in franchising. If the laws in India, had   study them and when we can learn something
          Q   Way back then, how was the market   been as stringent and quick as in the US, we   from them, we learn. We always collaborate.
              acceptance for food that was not Indian?
                                                                                   Many restaurateurs come to Malaka Spice and
                                              would have been more successful. Franchisees
          Because our food was so different, and people   in India need to build patience. They should   they have access to all our knowledge – to
          were not willing to explore too much, it   do what they are supposed to do – provide the   survive, to do better, to be part of our Gurukul.
          took us about two to three years to establish   space and handle the finance. We have learnt   We help them where we can. For us competition
          ourselves. We did end up spending out of our   that the hard way.        is healthy. We look at other restaurants as
          reserves during that time. To our advantage   In One China, the franchise route is working   collaborators and not as competition. There are
          was the proximity of Pune to Mumbai – thanks   beautifully. They are smaller units and don’t   many good things to learn from competition or
          to the then newly built expressway, and the   need intense capital expenditure. Thy are quick   collaborations, so more the better. n
          international exposure that well-travelled people   to duplicate and the Indian palate loves Chinese

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