Page 23 - HBiz_October_2024
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                              HOSPITALITY BIZ     OCTOBER, 2024                                                         23

          on the rebound and market dynamics   to 3.9 million by 2034. With unbranded   may be much higher than this estimation.
          improving, the industry anticipates not   hotels leading the charge due to their sheer
          only a swift recovery to pre-pandemic   number, despite the low employee-to-  Conclusion
          levels by 2025 but also sustained growth   room ratio.                   Hotelivate’s latest analysis reveals India’s
          throughout the coming decade.          The hospitality industry is multifaceted   hospitality industry bouncing back
                                              with various parallels other than hotels.   strongly as of mid-2024. Despite setbacks
            “Unbranded Hotels currently make   Even with the addition of 1.5 million jobs   from global crises, the sector has currently
          up more than two-thirds of the country’s   in the next decade, we believe this is a   seen growth in the branded hotel supply in
          total lodging supply and are projected to   conservative estimate for the hospitality   the last few years. Employment continues
          maintain this dominant position for the   industry as the industry is likely to see   to grow in the sector, led by branded hotel
          next decade”                        growth in employment from ancillary   supply due to the sheer volume of these
                                              facilities such as clubs, restaurants,   accommodations in the country.  With
            The independent/unbranded segment   dhabas, clubhouses, banquet halls, and   investments surging, particularly in tier
          possesses a commanding 68% share of   various other infrastructure that is being   II and III cities, and a resurgence in new
          India’s lodging landscape, underscoring   established in large volumes across the   openings, the industry will experience
          its dominant presence in the market.   country. These ancillary facilities may   sustained growth in the decade ahead.
          Meanwhile, the branded hotels sector   employ individuals not accounted for in   This sets the stage for a thriving hospitality
          has swiftly emerged as the second largest,   these estimations. Therefore, although the   sector poised to capitalise on growing
          buoyed by increasing investments and   current projected growth in employment is   tourism and solidifying its essential role in
          heightened interest from both domestic   1.5 million jobs, the actual number added   the Indian economic landscape.. n
          and international brands, particularly in
          tier II and tier III cities. Simultaneously,
          the alternate accommodation sector,
          bolstered by the rising popularity of
          homestays alongside a robust base of
          guesthouses, has solidified its position as
          a significant player in the market. Notably,
          aggregator chains have maintained a stable
          market share over the past half-decade,
          with new openings counterbalancing
          closures incurred during the tumultuous
          pandemic period.

          The People Story

          Hotelivate’s latest figures reveal that
          India’s hospitality industry supports a
          formidable workforce of 2.3 million as of
          June 2024, translating to 0.94 employees
          per lodging room nationwide. Despite
          pandemic disruptions in 2019, when
          the sector sustained 2.4 million jobs, the
          industry remains a vital contributor to
          India’s employment landscape. WTTC
          underscores this impact, noting that India’s
          broader Travel & Tourism sector directly
          employed 37.21 million people in 2023,
          with hotels accounting for a substantial
            Looking ahead, we anticipate robust
          growth in hospitality employment,
          climbing to 3.0 million by 2029 and further

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