Page 18 - HBiz_October_2024
P. 18

18    INTERVIEW                               HOSPITALITY BIZ     OCTOBER, 2024

          our online visibility and reach. In terms   personnel in the sector.     Cygnett Style and Cozzet, which offer quality
          of operational efficiency, our tech-driven   I believe that for attracting the young   accommodations at competitive price points.
          approach helps reduce costs while maintaining   talent in our business we need to rebrand   Government initiatives play a crucial role in
          high service standards, ultimately improving   the hospitality industry as a vibrant and   supporting our expansion. Programs like the
          profitability per room.             lifestyle-driven sector. Invest in training and   UDAN scheme, aimed at enhancing regional
                                              development, Embrace technology, and offer   air connectivity, have made travel more
          Q   With occupancy levels fluctuating   competitive wages, benefits, and opportunities   accessible to these cities, boosting tourism and
                                              for career advancement to improve retention
                                                                                   business travel. The focus on infrastructure
              in different regions, which cities are
          currently showing the highest demand, and   rates, is what we believe in Cygnett. As a   development through projects such as Smart
          how is Cygnett positioning itself to capture   responsible hospitality company, we have   Cities and improved road and rail networks
          this demand?                        introduced the Comprehensive Cygnett   also facilitates easier access to non-metro
          Occupancy levels can vary across regions, but   Leadership Development Program (CLDP)   regions, making them more attractive to both
          we’ve observed particularly strong demand in   to prepare our future leaders. The Cygnett   leisure and business travelers. Moreover, the
          PAN India overall. Especially Tier 2 and Tier   Learning Academy has also played a key   government’s push for religious and heritage
          3 cities, as well as key emerging regions like   role in fostering a culture of learning in our   tourism has opened new opportunities for us
          the Northeast. Cities such as Jaipur, Lucknow,   young team members and acquire new skills   in destinations along India’s religious circuits.
          and Tezpur, Itanagar, Bhuvneshwar along   throughout their careers.      Cygnett is aligning with these initiatives
          with tourism destinations like Nainital and                              by developing properties in locations like
          Ayodhya, are showing high occupancy rates   Q  Cygnett has introduced the affordable   Ayodhya, Vrindavana and Ujjain catering to
          driven by increased domestic travel, rising   brand ‘Cozzet’ in key locations. What   the rising number of visitors in these areas.
          business hubs, and untapped tourism potential.  are the expansion plans for Cozzet, and how   By combining government support with our
           Cygnett has strategically positioned itself   does it complement your existing portfolio of   market-focused approach, Cygnett is well-
          to capture this demand by expanding our   budget and mid-market hotels?  positioned to capture the increasing demand in
          presence in these high-growth markets. We’ve   Cozzet is one of our fastest-growing brands.   non-metro cities and further drive our growth
          focused on delivering branded, service-  Recently, we have launched Cozzet Bindal   across India.
          oriented hotels in cities that traditionally lack   in Jamshedpur, Cozzet Deera in Sonipat and
          high-quality accommodation options. Our   Cozzet Victoria in Bhubaneswar. The brand is   Q  With the rise of online booking
          midscale and value hotel brands, including   expanding its footprint in several key locations   platforms and the growing demand
          Cygnett Park, Cygnett Resort, Cygnett Inn,   including Jamshedpur - the steel city of India   for value-for-money accommodations, how
          Cygnett Style, Cozzet are tailored to meet the   along with Mahad, a thriving business hub   is Cygnett using technology to enhance the
          needs of both business and leisure travelers   near Navi Mumbai and other destinations such   guest experience and stay competitive in the
          in these regions. Additionally, we continue   as Puri, SIDCUL Haridwar, Chittorgarh and   budget hotel segment?
          to leverage technology and data analytics to   Phalodi in Rajasthan.     Today, nobody doubts that technology and
          fine-tune our marketing efforts, ensuring that   We plan to open 3-4 hotels under the   travel are the perfect combination. This joint
          we reach the right customer segments and   Cozzet brand annually. Like our other budget   force also plays a crucial role in the way we
          maximize occupancy. We’re also focusing on   and mid-market brands, Cozzet focuses on   travel, from the vacation destination we
          forging local partnerships and enhancing our   providing exceptional service at a competitive   choose, all the way to what we do once we’re
          guest experience to solidify Cygnett’s brand   price. It caters to the needs of modern young   there and even in the time after we’ve come
          presence and build loyalty in these rapidly   travellers, offering essentials such as clean   back from our adventure. It is so prevalent,
          growing markets. As demand surges in these   rooms, fast internet, quality service and   that according to a Google Travel study, 74% of
          areas, we are well-prepared to cater to the   delicious food.            travellers plan their trips on the Internet, while
          needs of today’s discerning travelers.                                   only 13% still use travel agencies to prepare
                                               Q   You’ve highlighted the increasing   them. Cygnett being a tech-savvy company
                                                   spending power in non-metro cities.
          Q   Post-COVID, the industry has    How is Cygnett leveraging this trend, and   always embraces the technology to deliver
                                                                                   better. Predominantly at Cygnett, we are using
              struggled with a shortage of skilled
          manpower. How is Cygnett addressing this   what role do government initiatives play   mobile applications the cell phone has become
          challenge, particularly in terms of hiring and   in supporting your expansion into these   the tour guide, travel agency, best restaurant
          retaining talent?                   markets?                             locator, map, and more. It’s by our side
          The industry is facing a whopping over 60   Cygnett has strategically recognized the   during the entire purchase journey., VR/AR
          percent demand-supply gap in manpower   growing spending power in India’s non-  technology is next as this lets you see the top of
          with hotels expanding at the rate of 18 to   metro cities, and we are actively leveraging   the world without having to climb to the top.
          20 percent per year, the shortage of skilled   this trend to expand our presence in these   We have incorporated virtual tours to let guests
          manpower is being foregrounded at each level   high-potential markets. Tier 2 and Tier 3 cities   know what they are going to experience even
          of the hospitality sector. Industry estimates   are seeing a surge in demand for branded,   before they arrive, and the big data to deliver
          suggest that around 25% to 30% of the skilled   service-oriented hotels due to increased   tailormade experiences for an exceptional
          and experienced workforce in the hospitality   domestic travel, growing business activities,   Hospitality and our trademark Cygnetture
          sector permanently shifted to other   and rising aspirations of travelers in these   experience to every guest. n
          professions during the pandemic. This has   regions. We are addressing this need with our
          resulted in a significant shortage of trained   midscale and value brands like Cygnett Inn,

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