Page 21 - HBiz_October_2024
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                                         HOSPITALITY BIZ     OCTOBER, 2024                                              21

          an ideal opportunity to introduce Indian beer   Café from September 21st to October 6th.   “This event is more than just a festival; it’s a
          lovers to new flavors while promoting the   Chef Balwant if Sayaji Kolhapur has curated   celebration of craft beer and great food,” says
          craft beer culture in India. “We’re thrilled to   a special menu, offering delicacies such as   a spokesperson from Hydeout. This sentiment
          bring the spirit of Oktoberfest to beer lovers   Pretzels, Bratwurst, and Bavarian Chspieß   is echoed by many in the industry who see
          in India. At The Beer Café, we are all about   skewers, paired with a selection of craft beers.   Oktoberfest as a chance to connect with
          creating joyful moments, and there’s no better   “Our team has worked meticulously to ensure   patrons on a deeper level, offering not just food
          way to do that than with the global symbol of   every dish on the menu captures the true   and drink but a curated experience that leaves a
          great beer and festive cheer—Oktoberfest,” says   essence of Bavarian flavors,” says Chef Balwant,   lasting impression.
          Singh. With India’s burgeoning craft beer scene,   highlighting the growing trend of theme-based   At Andaz Delhi, Hyatt’s luxury and
          events like OktoBEERfest serve as important   food festivals in India’s smaller cities.  lifestyle hotel, Oktoberfest celebrations by the
          platforms for both brewers and consumers to   In New Delhi, Eros Hotel Nehru Place   poolside from September 22nd to October
          engage and explore. “Oktoberfest is the perfect   has embraced the Oktoberfest spirit with a   1st offer a luxurious take on the traditional
          opportunity to bring people together, whether   luxurious twist at its Lounge & Bar. From   Bavarian fest. Partnering with BMW (Bird
          they’re exploring new brews or indulging in   September 21st, 2024, the hotel will offer   Automotive), Andaz is combining food, beer,
          authentic German cuisine. With India’s growing   guests a Bavarian-inspired culinary experience,   and high-end lifestyle elements to create an
          appreciation for craft beer, we’re excited to   including Pork Bratwurst, Kasseler Chops,   elevated Oktoberfest experience. Guests can
          introduce our patrons to new flavors and   and Potato Pancakes. The ambiance, crafted by   enjoy Oktoberfest Platters featuring roasted
          traditions. This festival is about more than   the hotel’s culinary team, will transport guests   spring chicken, bratwurst, and sauerkraut
          beer—it’s about celebrating community and   to Bavaria, pairing traditional dishes with an   while soaking in the festive ambiance. “We
          culture,” says Singh.               extensive beer selection. “For a hotel like Eros,   wanted to create something special that goes
            At Hotel Sahara Star, Mumbai, Oktoberfest   it’s about creating a memorable experience   beyond just food and beer. Our goal was to
          has evolved into a grand celebration of not   that connects food, culture, and atmosphere,”   offer an experience that resonates with our
          just beer but camaraderie. This year’s Sahara   says the hotel’s culinary head. This approach   guests, capturing the essence of Bavaria in a
          Star Oktoberfest on October 13th promises to   underscores how Oktoberfest can serve as a key   sophisticated setting,” says a spokesperson
          be an unforgettable experience with a stellar   differentiator for luxury hotels looking to offer   from Andaz Delhi. This approach reflects the
          lineup of breweries such as 12th Man, Effingut,   unique experiences to discerning customers.  growing trend of experiential dining, where
          and Rolling Mills, among others. The day-  Down south, Hydeout in Bangalore is   customers seek more than just a meal—they
          long celebration will blend hops, laughter, and   hosting its own version of Oktoberfest with an   want to be part of a narrative.
          traditional Bavarian festivities. Beyond the beer,   array of craft beers paired with authentic dishes   With consumers increasingly seeking
          the culinary pairings crafted by Sahara Star’s   like Bratwurst Hotdogs and Beer Mac n Cheese.   unique experiences, theme-based festivals like
          chefs enhance the overall experience, making   The event brings the festivity of Munich   Oktoberfest offer hoteliers and restaurateurs
          it a key date on Mumbai’s F&B calendar. “This   to Bangalore, offering patrons a blend of   a chance to differentiate themselves in a
          festival is all about creating memories with   traditional flavors and local craft beer culture.   competitive market. n
          friends, enjoying good brews, and embracing
          the Oktoberfest spirit,” says a spokesperson
          from Sahara Star. It is also a reminder that
          festivals like Oktoberfest help elevate the guest
          experience, especially when done right.
            At The Orchid, Mumbai’s Mostly Grills
          rooftop restaurant brings the essence of
          Germany to life from September 20th to
          October 6th, 2024. Overlooking the Mumbai
          airport runway, Mostly Grills pairs a Bavarian
          beer selection with an authentic German
          menu that includes Jagger Schnitzel, German
          sausages, and Leberwurst. “For us, Oktoberfest
          is more than just beer. It’s about creating an
          immersive experience for our guests—food,
          ambiance, and festivity all rolled into one,”
          says a spokesperson from The Orchid. Their
          attention to detail, from traditional Bavarian
          uniforms to live music, highlights how hotels
          can integrate cultural elements into their
          offerings, adding value to the customer’s
          experience while boosting foot traffic.
            Further down in Maharashtra, Sayaji
          Kolhapur is recreating the vibrant atmosphere
          of Munich’s Oktoberfest at its Moon Tree

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