Page 19 - HBiz_October_2024
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                                         HOSPITALITY BIZ     OCTOBER, 2024                                              19

                                              ‘The growing awareness of our communities’

                                              heightened vulnerability to climate change has

                                              inspired us to adopt eco-conscious practices’

                                               In today’s evolving hospitality landscape, where personalisation and purpose-driven

                                               collaborations are becoming paramount, Bengaluru Marriott Hotel Whitefield
                                               has embraced an innovative approach to corporate gifting. At the heart of this
                                               transformation is Anjali Naik, Director of Sales and Marketing, who has
                                               been instrumental in fostering meaningful partnerships with local organisations,
                                               such as Diya Innovations, to craft unique, socially conscious Diwali hampers. In
                                               an interaction with Hospitality Biz Naik shares the thought process behind this
                                               collaboration, how it reflects Marriott’s core values, and the broader impact of
                                               integrating hyper-local talent and sustainability into the hotel’s offerings.

          Q   Could you share the thought process   with intellectual disabilities by offering them   connection and stand out. As experts in
                                              opportunities in an inclusive environment.
              behind Marriott Whitefield’s decision
                                                                                   curating specialized and personalized
          to collaborate with smaller hyper-local   While these Diyas and toys could have been   hampers, we’ve successfully forged strong
          organisations like Diya Innovations for your   sourced from wholesale dealers at a lower cost   connections and have seen consistent
          Diwali hampers? How did this partnership   to boost profitability, we wanted to be part   year-on-year growth in our revenues in this
          come about?                         of something that is for the greater good this   segment
          Our intent is to give a platform to the truly   festive season. By supporting small businesses
          deserving artists and give back to the society   that uplift talented individuals we felt we have   Q  Do you see this initiative with Diya
          in our own way. This year, while brainstorming   inched a little closer to Marriott’s core values,   Innovations as part of a long-term
          ways to make a meaningful impact, we   heritage and what the brand stands for.  relationship? How do such collaborations
          decided to do more than just do the usual. We   Additionally, this partnership aligns with   contribute to Marriott Whitefield’s overall
          wanted to do something that will have a social   our focus on sustainability and reviving   ethos of creating meaningful partnerships?
          impact and decided to partner with a NGO   childhood memories through simple,   Yes for sure as both the organisations believe
          to include them in our efforts, spreading love   handcrafted toys—now often overshadowed   in sustainability and supporting local artisans
          and joy by supporting their cause through this   by technology.          with special needs. Our people first culture,
          collaboration.                                                           giving people from different communities
                                               Q   Could you elaborate on the      with different abilities a chance to shine is
                                                   sustainability practices incorporated
          Q   How do you ensure that working with   into your collaborations, especially with   what sets us apart and help create incredible
                                                                                   stories year after year. At the hotel we have
              hyper-local vendors helps in bringing
          out the cultural nuances of the region in your   vendors like Diya Innovations? How do   team members with special needs and are
          offerings, especially in something as personal   you balance luxury with sustainability in   believers of being inclusive in our hiring
          as festive hampers?                 corporate gifting?                   programs. This synergy with Diya Innovations
          Each offering curated by the local NGOs carries   The growing awareness of our communities’   made us pick them as partners.
          a unique story, and we wanted these stories to   heightened vulnerability to climate change
          reach homes across India making the receiver   has inspired us to adopt eco-conscious   Q  From your perspective, are you seeing
          feel a part of a larger cause. We met with the   practices, including the use of biodegradable   a broader trend in the hospitality
          artisans and had in-depth conversations to   and recycled materials, while moving towards   industry towards working with local
          understand their history, background, and   a zero-waste approach. Diya Innovations   artisans or organizations for events and
          how creating these handmade toys brings   use toxin-free raw materials, which align   gifting? How does this align with the
          them fulfillment and a sense of self-esteem and   seamlessly with Marriott’s commitment to   changing expectations of today’s customers?
          acceptance within the community.    sustainability                       Yes, very much. The consumer today is
                                                                                   experiencing an overload of technology
          Q   In your experience, how important is it   Q  How has the concept of corporate   and there is a disconnect with nature and
                                                   gifting evolved over the years, and
              for hotels like Marriott to support local
                                                                                   emotions, which we all enjoyed during our
          talent and organizations? What impact does   how is Marriott Whitefield embracing this   younger days before technology took over our
          this have on both the local community and   shift?                       lives. Hence, with our personalised hampers,
          the hotel’s brand image?            Corporate gifting is evolving every year,   we are adding that special touch with the toys
          Diya Innovations is more than just a business;   with a growing emphasis on meaningful   and Diyas which we feel will bring a smile and
          they are on a mission to empower individuals   and sustainable options that create a lasting   take people back to simpler times. n

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