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10    EXPERT SPEAK                            HOSPITALITY BIZ     SEPTEMBR, 2024

          Gadget detox travel: A new wellness

          trend in Indian Hospitality

          By Dr Niraalee Shah, Responsible Tourism Society of India, State Convenor for Maharashtra

             n the fast-paced world driven by   screen for a long time, the main
             technology, where screens dominate our   goal is to unwind, unplug,             POPULAR DIGITAL
          Idaily lives, the concept of a “digital detox”   unleash and reconnect with the    DETOX DESTINATIONS
          has gained significant traction. Digital detox   physical world free from the      Ananda in the Himalayas,
          travel, where individuals disconnect from   distractions of the digital world.     Uttarakhand: known for its
          electronic devices to reconnect with themselves   Hotels and resorts across India   holistic wellness programs,
          and nature, is becoming a popular trend,   are responding to this demand           Ananda offers a digital detox
          especially in India. This growing interest in   by offering unique digital detox   package where guests are
          unplugged vacations is not only a response   experiences designed to promote       encouraged to surrender their
          to the overwhelming influence of technology   well-being and responsible           devices and immerse themselves
          but also a reflection of a broader societal shift   travel.                        in yoga, meditation, and nature.
          towards mindful living and wellness in trend   “In the fast-paced digital             SwaSwara, Gokarna: nestled
          the hospitality industry.           age, taking a break from technology is no   near the beach, SwaSwara provides a perfect
            Digital detox travel is a growing trend   longer a luxury but a necessity. Digital detox   setting for a digital detox with its focus on
          among modern travellers taking a break from   travel is an invitation to rediscover the world   wellness through Ayurvedic treatments, yoga,
          their mobile phones, tablets and computers   around you, to engage fully with the beauty of   and art therapy, all while being cut off from the
          during travel. Instead of looking at the mobile   your surroundings, and to find peace in the   digital world.
                                              simplicity of life. At Travel Design, we curate   Tathagata Farm, Darjeeling: this eco-
                                              experiences that help you unplug, unwind,   friendly retreat promotes an unplugged
                                              and reconnect with yourself.” says Dr. Niraalee   lifestyle, offering organic farming experiences,
                                              Shah, Managing Director, Travel Design Pvt.   nature walks, and quiet time amidst the tea
                                              Ltd                                  gardens of Darjeeling.
                                                                                      Vana Retreat, Dehradun: emphasis on
                                              THE NEED FOR DIGITAL DETOX           Ayurveda, Sowa Rigpa (Tibetan healing), and
                                              The average Indian spends around 7 hours a   nature-based activities makes it an excellent
                                              day on their smartphones, according to a report   choice for those seeking a digital detox.
                                              by App Annie. This constant connectivity leads   Soukya Holistic Health Centre in
                                              to increased stress levels, reduced productivity,   Bangalore: offers comprehensive detox
                                              and a general sense of burnout, with the World   programs that include digital detox as a core
                                              Health Organization (WHO) identifying   component. These programs are designed to
                                              “burnout” as an occupational phenomenon,   help guests achieve a balance between physical,
                                              there is a pressing need for individuals to find   mental, and digital health.
                                              ways to disconnect and recharge.        Dune Eco Village and Spa, Pondicherry:
                                                                                   the resort offers a variety of wellness programs,
                                              RISE OF DIGITAL DETOX RETREATS       including yoga, meditation, and Ayurvedic
                                              IN INDIA                             treatments. The focus is on natural living, and
                                              India, with its diverse landscapes and rich   guests are encouraged to disconnect from
                                              cultural heritage, offers an ideal environment   digital devices and immerse themselves in the
                                              for digital detox retreats. From the serene   tranquil environment.
                                              beaches of Goa to the tranquil hills of   The Oberoi Group: has introduced
                                              Himachal Pradesh, numerous retreats and   ‘Disconnect Dinners’ where guests are invited
                                              resorts have started offering specialized   to savor their meals in a tech-free environment,
                                              programs focusing on digital detoxification.  enhancing their overall dining experience.
                                                 According to a survey by,
                                              48% of Indian travelers have considered going   THE IMPACT OF DIGITAL DETOX
                                              on a vacation that involves minimal or no   Digital detox travel is not just a trend but a
                                              digital connectivity. This statistic highlights   necessity for maintaining mental health in the
                                              the growing awareness and demand for digital   digital age. A study by the University of Exeter
                                              detox experiences.                   found that participants who took a digital detox

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