Page 11 - HBiz_September_2024
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                                        HOSPITALITY BIZ     SEPTEMBER, 2024                                             11

                                              vacation experienced a significant reduction in   industry is likely to see more retreats and
                                              stress and improved sleep quality. Moreover,   wellness centers incorporating digital detox
                                              70% of those who engaged in digital detox   programs into their offerings, catering to a
                                              activities reported a greater sense of presence   generation that values mindfulness and well-
                                              and connection with their surroundings.  being over constant connectivity.
                                                 In India, the positive impact of digital detox   Travellers seeking to escape the digital
                                              retreats is evident in the increasing number   noise and find balance in a chaotic world,
                                              of repeat visitors. Resorts like Ananda and   India’s digital detox retreats offer a perfect
                                              SwaSwara have reported that up to 60% of their   sanctuary. Whether it’s the majestic mountains,
                                              guests return for the digital detox experience,   serene beaches, or tranquil forests, there’s
                                              indicating the effectiveness of these programs.  a digital detox destination in India waiting
                                                                                   to help you reconnect with yourself and the
                                              CONCLUSION: THE FUTURE OF            natural world. n
                                              DIGITAL DETOX TRAVEL IN INDIA
                                                 The demand for mental wellness continues   The views expressed within this column
                                              to rise, digital detox travel in India is expected   are the opinion of the author, and may not
                                              to grow exponentially. The Indian tourism   necessarily be endorsed by the publication.

         OONA The One: Elevating                                                                SPOTLIGHT

         Ranchi’s Culinary Landscape

            Asmita Mukherjee | Hyderabad      attention to detail, the emphasis on creating a
                                              welcoming atmosphere, and the deep care for
                ne, has brought a touch of    each guest’s experience are all reflections of the
                sophistication and innovation to   way motherhood has shaped my approach to
         ORanchi’s culinary scene. Her journey   running OONA.“
         from motherhood to establishing a premier   OONA THE OneLaunching a fine dining
         fine dining restaurant-bar in a Tier 3 city is a   restaurant in Ranchi, a city not typically
         testament to her passion and determination.  associated with such ventures, came with
            OONA THE OneBhagat’s experience as   its own set of challenges. Bhagat said, “Our
         a mother has deeply influenced her approach   biggest challenges included educating the
         to hospitality. She emphasised, “Motherhood   community about fine dining, overcoming
         has been the most transformative experience   perceptions of inaccessibility, and sourcing   Akansha Bhagat
         of my life, teaching me the values of nurturing,   high-quality ingredients locally. We drew from   consistently exceptional.
         patience, and balance. These lessons naturally   our global culinary experiences to create a   OONA THE OneBhagat has ambitious
         extended into my journey with OONA. I   world-class dining environment that blends   plans for OONA. “OONA was born out of our
         wanted to create a space that exudes warmth   fine cuisine with cultural richness. Through   deep love for Ranchi. We recognised the city’s
         and elegance, much like the nurturing   innovative marketing, persistence, and strong   need for a grand yet accessible fine-dining
         environment I strive to maintain at home. The   local partnerships, we successfully introduced   venue that could also serve as a cultural hub.
                                                          Ranchi to an elevated dining   Our focus is on creating even more unique and
                                                          experience.”             exclusive dining experiences. We’re exploring
                                                             Bhagat and her team pay   the concept of chef’s table events, where guests
                                                          close attention to customer   can enjoy a curated menu in an intimate
                                                          preferences, ensuring that   setting, offering a closer connection to our
                                                          every new dish introduced   culinary team. Collaborations with renowned
                                                          resonates with their audience   chefs and brands are also on the horizon, which
                                                          while maintaining the high   will bring fresh perspectives and elevate the
                                                          standards OONA is known   dining experience at OONA. Additionally,
                                                          for. Rigorous quality control   we’re keen on expanding OONA’s presence
                                                          measures ensure that whether   beyond Ranchi, taking our vision of fine dining
                                                          it’s a guest’s first visit or their   to other cities,” Bhagat Added. n
                                                          fiftieth, the experience remains

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