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                                       HOSPITALITY BIZ     SEPTEMBER, 2024                                              13

         ‘Our authenticity sets us apart’

                                          With over 27 years in the corporate world, Kewal Kotian, Founder & CEO of the
                                          artisanal serveware brand The Leafbud, views experience as a crucial asset. His
                                          diverse background in advertising, news, travel, and visa services, where creativity
                                          and information were key, has significantly shaped his approach to Leafbud. Kotian
                                          believes that creating more customer-focused narratives through their serveware
                                          pieces is essential, as periodic refreshment of serveware can drive engagement and
                                          repeat business. In a conversation with Hospitality Biz, he shared that founding
                                          Leafbud was a conscious and personal decision, motivated by his passion for building
                                          customer-centric businesses.

          Q   How does Leafbud’s artisanal crockery   serveware, there’s still an opportunity to create   welcome. We have established clear SOPs
                                              more customer-focused narratives through our
              stand out in the competitive luxury
                                                                                   around these processes, ensuring consistency
          hospitality market? What unique features or   pieces, rather than solely focusing on branded   in quality and timely delivery every time.
          benefits do you offer that differentiate your   items. Periodic refreshment of serveware helps
          brand from others?                  in driving engagement and repeat business.  Q  What strategies have you implemented
          At Leafbud, we live by the principles of artistry,                           to overcome the challenges associated
          craftsmanship, and authenticity. We’re not   Q  How do your products enhance the   with transitioning from individual consumer
          just another tableware design brand; we’re a   dining experience for guests and   sales to institutional sales?
          community of passionate artisans devoted to   contribute to the overall ambiance of the   As mentioned earlier, we’ve mitigated potential
          creating designs that bring joy, beauty, and   establishment?            challenges by developing separate supply
          functionality into your life. When you choose   Dining out is about much more than   channels for each market. In our view, there’s
          us, you’re not merely purchasing homeware—  just food; it’s about hosting, celebrating,   no “transition”—both channels exist and
          you’re embracing a unique and meaningful   and networking—each aspect rooted in   operate in parallel, each with its distinct focus
          experience. We recognize the crowded   engagement and storytelling. At Leafbud, we   and strategy.
          landscape filled with talented brands, but our   craft uniquely authentic artisanal serveware
          authenticity sets us apart. From concept to   and décor, celebrating the imperfections that   Q  How do you plan to build relationships
          execution, everything we do is distinctly ours.   make us truly remarkable. Our creations are   with key decision-makers in the
          Authenticity and differentiation are two sides   more than just products—they are vessels   HoReCa industry?
          of the same coin for us. We ideate from a place   of stories, woven from the hands of skilled   Direct contact remains the most effective
          of true reflection of our identity, building   artisans. Sharing these stories with guests   strategy. My previous experience in the travel
          on what makes us exceptional. We don’t just   allows restaurants and hotels to leave a   and hospitality sectors is certainly an asset.
          keep pace with competitors; we carve out new   lasting impression, turning every meal into a   However, at the end of the day, the product
          paths where they can’t follow. When others   memorable experience.       must speak for itself. We are confident that the
          zig, we zag—this is how we create a sustainable                          positive experiences our products provide will
          competitive advantage.                   Can you discuss more on Leafbud’s   generate a strong word-of-mouth buzz within
                                               Q   scalability and production capabilities?   the industry.
          Q   According to you, what specific needs   How do you ensure consistent quality and    Are you open to exploring B2B
                                              timely delivery for large-scale orders from
              or pain points of luxury hotels and
          restaurants does Leafbud’s crockery address?  HoReCa clients, including customisation   Q  partnerships with hospitality consultants
          The first thing that comes to mind is the   requests?                    or distributors to accelerate Leafbud’s market
          “sameness” that plagues many restaurants.    While we hold our brand proposition as   penetration? What kind of partnerships would
          Most establishments use serveware that is   sacrosanct, Leafbud has established two   you be interested in pursuing?
          nearly identical, often failing to make a lasting   distinct supply channels to cater to the specific   As a startup, we’re eager to explore any and all
          impression. Today’s discerning customer is   needs of D2C and institutional clients. Our   opportunities that allow us to showcase our
          exposed to global themes, trends, and cultures,   supply lines are designed to accommodate   products and grow our business. Our business
          and they expect experiences that extend   the unique pain points, requirements, and   acceleration is closely tied to the growth of our
          beyond food and service. At Leafbud, each   customizations of each channel. We’ve even   supply chain. We’ve set stage-wise goals and
          product carries a backstory, and I see no reason   crafted exclusive products tailored for each   are more than open to discussing these with
          why restaurants catering to sophisticated   market. Our partners and studios are equipped   potential partners or consultants who can add
          patrons shouldn’t leverage that. While luxury   to meet demand, and customization requests   value to our journey. n
          hotels are ahead of the curve in terms of   that align with our brand philosophy are always

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