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12    INTERVIEW                             HOSPITALITY BIZ     SEPTEMBER, 2024

                                              ‘Hotels will need to adopt

                                              sustainable practices and new

                                              technologies to stay competitive’

                                              With over a decade of experience in the hospitality and real estate
                                              sectors, Aishwarya Devaiah, Cluster Director of Marketing, Marriott
                                              Hyderabad, has established herself as an expert in digital marketing,
                                              social media, lead generation, public relations, advertising, and sales. She
                                              leads the marketing, communications, and PR strategies for The Westin
                                              Hyderabad Mindspace and the broader Hyderabad market. In a conversation
                                              with Asmita Mukherjee, Devaiah shares her insights on Hyderabad’s
                                              dynamic market and the innovative marketing strategies Marriott has been
                                              implementing to cater to this vibrant city.

          Q   The Westin brand is synonymous with wellness. How has this   Q  How do you measure the ROI of your marketing efforts? What
              philosophy been integrated into the offerings at The Westin
                                                                     metrics are most important to you?
          Hyderabad?                                             Measuring the ROI of marketing efforts in the hospitality industry
          At The Westin Hyderabad, wellness is at the core of our offerings,   involves a blend of quantitative and qualitative metrics to gauge both
          reflecting the brand’s commitment to helping guests maintain their well-  financial impact and campaign effectiveness. One crucial metric is direct
          being while traveling. We offer a range of signature wellness programs   revenue, which we track using Marriott’s Plus digital marketing tool. This
          designed to ensure guests can eat, sleep, move, feel, work, and play well,   tool enables us to analyze revenue from marketing campaigns, such as
          even on the road.                                      bookings generated through targeted ads or promotional emails, down to
            For a restful night, our Sleep Well Lavender Balm, infused with   the last cent. Social media engagement is another key metric, where we
          relaxing oils of lavender and chamomile, is provided as a bedside   assess likes, shares, comments, and overall interaction to understand how
          amenity to help ease tensions and soothe the senses. Guests can also   well our content resonates, particularly when working with influencers.
          indulge in our Sleep Well Menu, featuring a curated selection of sleep-  Additionally, we monitor website traffic to measure the reach of our
          enhancing superfoods available through in-room dining. Our Eat Well   marketing efforts, focusing on visitors from organic search, paid ads,
          Menus offer nutritious and balanced dishes crafted with high-quality   or referral traffic, and evaluate brand visibility by tracking mentions
          ingredients, allowing guests to nourish their well-being with every   across various platforms, including social media, blogs, and news
          meal.                                                  outlets. Finally, analyzing guest reviews and ratings on platforms like
            Additionally, our Heavenly Spa by Westin offers therapeutic   TripAdvisor, Google, and and food aggregator platforms
          massages, cleansing facials, and invigorating body treatments, each   provides insights into how marketing initiatives affect guest perceptions
          designed to stimulate the senses and promote relaxation. For those   and satisfaction. These combined metrics help us comprehensively assess
          here on business, our Work Well programs empower teams to   the effectiveness of our marketing strategies.
          maximize productivity with focus-enhancing foods, mid-morning
          stretches, and other wellness initiatives. These comprehensive wellness   Q  What are the key challenges and opportunities that you foresee
          offerings ensure that every aspect of our guests’ stay contributes to   for the hospitality industry in the next few years?
          their overall well-being.                              In the future, the hospitality industry will face several significant challenges,
                                                                 including economic uncertainty and inflation, which impact consumer
          Q   What are the most significant marketing trends that you see   willingness to pay for services. A major concern will be the labor and talent
                                                                 shortage, compounded by the growing use of AI and automation. While
              impacting the hospitality industry in 2024? How is The Westin
          Hyderabad adapting to these trends?                    automation—such as robots serving welcome drinks and automated in-
          In 2024, key marketing trends in hospitality include personalization,   room service chats—can streamline operations, it also reduces the essential
          sustainability, digital solutions, experience-driven travel, and wellness. At   human touch that the industry is known for. Additionally, hotels will need
          The Westin Hyderabad Hitec City, we attract eco-conscious travelers with   to adopt sustainable practices and new technologies to stay competitive.
          our LEED Gold certification and electric vehicle use. Our “One Hotel,   Despite these hurdles, there are considerable opportunities. Hotels can
          One QR” platform enhances guest experience by offering seamless,   excel in sustainability, embrace digital transformation, and cater to the
          contactless services via a single QR code. We also focus on wellness,   rising demand for wellness and personalized experiences. Expanding into
          curate unique cultural experiences, and collaborate with influencers.   emerging markets also offers substantial growth potential. Successfully
          To stay ahead in F&B, we host pop-ups with top Asian bars, Michelin-  navigating these challenges and opportunities will be crucial for thriving in
          starred chefs, and former MasterChef Australia judges, ensuring our   the evolving hospitality landscape. n
          guests enjoy memorable dining experiences.                                    

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