Page 16 - HBiz_September_2024
P. 16

16    INTERVIEW                               HOSPITALITY BIZ     SEPTEMBER, 2024

          Q   Recently, Royal Orchid Hotels   complementing the existing Regenta brand   and boutique hotel brands, appealing to both
                                              with these new offerings.
              announced new brands. Could you
                                                                                   domestic tourists and international travelers.
          share the vision behind these new brands   By expanding the brand portfolio, we   We believe these markets will allow us to
          and how they align with the evolving market   can better position ourselves to capture   diversify our portfolio and capture a broader
          needs?                              different market segments and offer a more   audience.
          Currently, most of our properties operate   comprehensive range of hotel options to its   Our expansion strategy further extends
          under the “Regenta” brand umbrella, such   customers.                    into Southeast Asia, with a particular focus
          as Regenta Hotels and Resorts, and Regenta                               on Thailand. This vibrant country is known
          Inn. As we grow, it’s important to position   Q  Geographically, which areas are you   for its exciting tourism potential and growth
          our properties to cater to different market   focusing on with these new brands?  prospects. By establishing our presence in
          segments. Thus, we plan to introduce an   We are strategically targeting multiple regions   Thailand, we aim to attract tourists from
          upscale brand, details of which will be   and markets to further expand our presence.   around the world and solidify our brand in one
          announced soon. The first hotel under this new   We have a strong presence in South, West,   of Asia’s most sought-after destinations.
          brand, a 300-room property near the airport,   and North India, from Ladakh in the north to
          is slated to launch by early next year. We are   Kabini in the south. However, we have limited   Q  How do you plan to integrate these new
          also exploring a “smart basics” brand designed   coverage in Central, Eastern, and North-  brands with your existing portfolio,
          for the younger demographic, emphasizing   Eastern India. Along with these regions, our   and what challenges do you foresee?
          modernity and affordability. We expect to   expansion blueprint focuses on South Asia,   We have recently launched the Regenta
          announce these new brands once the hotels are   and Southeast Asia, where we see significant   Rewards Program, which will be applicable
          ready, which will align with our overall brand   opportunities for growth.  across all our brands, similar to how loyalty
          refreshment strategy.                 Our primary focus within India is on Tier 1   programs work for global hotel chains. This
                                              and Tier 2 cities, where we aim to establish a   will help integrate our new offerings with
          Q   With the launch of these new brands,   stronger foothold. Cities like Mumbai, Delhi,   our existing portfolio and provide a seamless
                                                                                   experience for our guests. As for challenges, we
                                              Bangalore, Chennai, and Hyderabad are
              Royal Orchid Hotels will have three
          distinct brands. How do they cater to   top priorities. We see tremendous potential   do not foresee any major obstacles; the loyalty
          different market segments?          in catering to the expanding middle class   program is user-friendly and will help guests
          The new brands are intended to complement   and local travelers who are seeking high-  easily understand the diversity of our offerings.
          the existing brands, with the new upscale   quality accommodations and experiences.
          brand will target the five-star luxury market.   Additionally, we are keen on exploring   Q  Can you elaborate on the operating
          The mid-market segment will continue to   fast-growing urban centers like Pune,   models you employ for your hotels?
          be catered to by the Regenta brand, which   Ahmedabad, and Lucknow, which are ripe with   We operate on three models: management
          includes both Regenta Hotels and Regenta   opportunities for new hotel ventures.  contracts, franchise agreements, and revenue-
          Inn properties. The new “smart basics”   We are also looking to extend our reach   sharing (flexi lease) models. Most of our
          brand, which is still a work in progress, will   into South Asia, targeting culturally rich   hotels are under management contracts. We
          focus on providing all essential services to a   destinations like Sri Lanka, Nepal, and   selectively offer franchise agreements where we
          younger, tech-savvy demographic. We aim to   Lakshadweep. These regions offer unique   believe the owner can be a good custodian of
          capture a wide range of market segments by   opportunities for us to introduce our premium   our brand. For instance, we have worked with

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