Page 24 - HBiz_September_2024
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24    INTERVIEW                             HOSPITALITY BIZ     SEPTEMBER, 2024

                                              ‘Customer feedback is a cornerstone

                                              of our menu development process’

                                              Hitchki – a fusion of nostalgia and modernity, has become a culinary landmark
                                              by offering an innovative dining experience. Known for its Bollywood-inspired
                                              themes and creative fusion of traditional Indian flavors with contemporary
                                              culinary techniques, Hitchki’s menu is carefully curated to balance customer
                                              appeal and business profitability. In an exclusive interview with, Abheet Singh,
                                              Head of Brand and Marketing, Mirah Hospitality, Asmita Mukherjee delve
                                              into Hitchki’s strategic approach to menu planning, introduction, exploring how
                                              customer data, market trends, and innovative ideas shape the restaurant’s
                                              dynamic offerings.

          Q   How does Hitchki ensure that its menu is not only appealing to   monitoring online reviews and ratings on platforms such as Google
                                                                 Reviews, Yelp, Zomato, and TripAdvisor; tracking mentions, comments,
              customers but also profitable for the business?
          At Hitchki, we carefully curate a menu that strikes a chord with our   and reviews on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and
          patrons on a nostalgic level, all the while maintaining profitability   Twitter for real-time customer sentiment analysis; and distributing
          through innovative and fusion cuisine. Our team of chefs expertly   digital or physical surveys via email, the restaurant’s website, or QR
          blends traditional Indian flavors with modern twists, creating dishes that   codes on receipts or tables. Additionally, Hitchki uses loyalty programs
          evoke fond memories while exciting the taste buds. Our fusion dishes   to incentivize regular customers to provide valuable feedback, engages
          are a cornerstone of this approach. Our chefs continuously innovate,   in table touching where managers or staff interact with customers
          experimenting with new flavor combinations and presentation styles.   during their visit to gather immediate feedback, and utilizes customer
          This keeps our menu dynamic and ensures there’s always something new   relationship management (CRM) systems and analytics tools to track and
          for our guests to enjoy. In essence, Hitchki’s menu is a harmonious blend   analyze feedback data, helping to identify patterns and trends over time.
          of nostalgia, fusion, and creativity, appealing to our guests’ hearts and
          taste buds while ensuring the business thrives.            How does this feedback directly impact menu development and
                                                                 Q   overall customer satisfaction?
          Q   What types of customer data does Hitchki collect to inform its   Customer feedback is a cornerstone of our menu development process.
                                                                 It helps us identify popular dishes and cocktails, discover new flavour
              menu decisions?
          We collect a variety of customer data to refine our menu, including   preferences, and understand areas needing improvement. By acting on
          purchase history, feedback forms, social media interactions, and in-store   this feedback, we can refine our menu to better align with our customers’
          surveys. This data helps us understand our customers’ preferences,   desires, ultimately enhancing their dining experience.
          dietary restrictions, and emerging trends. By analyzing these insights,
          we plan and make informed decisions about which dishes to introduce,   Q  How do these trends influence your approach to menu design
          modify, or retire, ensuring our menu remains relevant and appealing.  and customer experience?
                                                                 Trends play a significant role in shaping our menu design and overall
          Q   What methods does Hitchki use to gather and analyse customer   customer experience. By staying attuned to emerging trends and
                                                                 customer preferences, we can introduce innovative special menu that
          Hitchki, like many modern restaurants, employs a variety of methods   excite and delight our guests. This trend-focused approach also extends
          to gather and analyze customer feedback. These methods include   to our restaurant ambiance and service style, ensuring a cohesive
                                                                 and memorable dining experience. Our goal is to create a dynamic
                                                                 environment where customers feel both nostalgic and adventurous,
                                                                 enjoying familiar flavors with a modern twist.

                                                                 Q   What are Hitchki’s future plans for menu development and
                                                                 Looking ahead, we plan to continue our focus on innovation and
                                                                 customer-centricity. This includes expanding/introducing seasonal and
                                                                 regional specials and exploring new culinary techniques. Additionally,
                                                                 we are exploring partnerships to enhance our sustainability efforts. As
                                                                 we grow, we aim to bring the Hitchki experience to more locations, each
                                                                 tailored to reflect the local culture while maintaining our brand’s unique
                                                                 Bollywood charm and appeal. n

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