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20    FEATURE                                 HOSPITALITY BIZ     SEPTEMBER, 2024

          India’s MICE Hunt

            India, till recently, only got a 1 percent

            share of the global MICE business. A
            renewed focus on the segment through

            government’s approach and the private
            sector push has led to a fast-changing

            scenario with a projected grow at a

            CAGR of 6 percent between 2024 and
            2029. Hospitality Biz presents a report.

                lobally, the Meeting, Incentives,   Asia-Pacific region is expected to witness the   inventory in these cities. Also, air and road
                Conferences and Exhibitions (MICE)   fastest growth, with a projected CAGR of 10   connectivity is super. As India is emerging as
          Gmarket has been rapidly growing and   percent during the forecast period, largely due   a fastest growing economy, lots of businesses
          is predicted to grow substantially in the coming   to the rapid expansion of the travel and tourism   are shifting to India. China + 1 is working
          years. Expected to reach approximately US$   sector in countries like China, India, and Japan.  well. India is a great destination for MICE
          1,466.94 billion by 2030, according to reports   India, despite being one of the fastest   and conventions as it offers great pre and post
          the market is expected to grow at a compound   growing economies, commands less than one   conference tours within short distance of the
          annual growth rate (CAGR) of 9.1 percent from   per cent share in the global MICE business.   cities,” said Chander Baljee, Chairman, Royal
          2024 to 2030. This statement holds great value   There is an overall push is to get a bigger   Orchid Group of Hotels.
          for the travel and hospitality industries. Besides   share of the market. Bharat Mandapam and   “This particular sector, which is genuinely
          creating a substantial contribution from the   YashoBhoomi in the National Capital Region   unexplored, has a great potential. As of now
          corporate and business travellers, the MICE   have been created by the government as prime   MICE is about Rs. 35,000 crore industry, but
          movement also contributes significantly to the   infrastructures for promoting MICE. Jio World   since India is progressing in all the sector,
          economic growth of a country. Major regions   Convention Centre in Mumbai is another   the scope for MICE and convention is huge. I
          like North America, Europe and Asia-Pacific   major MICE attraction, providing state-of-the-  believe that not only Tier 1 cities and metros,
          have conventionally led the market, and with   art infrastructural facilities. Interestingly, MICE   but if we can include Tier 2 and 3 cities with
          improved infrastructure there is a growing   is also an initiative closely monitored by the ‘A   tourism facilities and convention centres, it
          demand in the emerging markets too.  team’ of Prime Minister Narendra Modi.  will work very well. As the economy continues
            Europe currently holds the largest share of   “India is being perceived as a great MICE   to grow, all the branded players, like Marriott,
          the global MICE market, accounting for almost   destination with centres in Delhi, Hyderabad,   or the Accor Group, or our own home-grown
          41 percent share of the market in 2022. The   Bengaluru, Mumbai. There is sufficient room   brands, can play a vital role to expand branded

                   Chander Baljee                    Dr Kishor Navandar                     Jaychandran CR
                      Chairman                               CMD                       Vice President (Operations)
             Royal Orchid Group of Hotels              Blue Billion Group             Niraamaya Wellness Retreats

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