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                                        HOSPITALITY BIZ     SEPTEMBER, 2024                                             21

          convention centres. All the players should come
          forward and make a consolidated effort for                KEY MARKET INSIGHTS
          the same. For me, the future is bright,” said Dr
          Kishor Navandar, CMD, Blue Billion Group.
            ‘’India’s MICE tourism market has     •  The India MICE tourism market is projected to witness substantial
          witnessed significant growth over the past   growth in the coming years.
          decade. The country’s rich cultural heritage,
          diverse landscapes, world-class infrastructure,   •  The demand for MICE services is driven by factors such as
          and skilled workforce have contributed to its
          popularity as a MICE destination. Government   corporate expansion, globalization, and the need for knowledge-
          initiatives to promote India as a business-  sharing platforms.
          friendly destination have further boosted the
          growth of this market. However, the COVID-19   •  The major participants in this market include event management
          pandemic had a severe impact on the MICE
          industry, leading to the postponement or   companies, hotels, transportation providers, and destination
          cancellation of numerous events. As the    management companies.
          situation improves and travel restrictions
          ease, the MICE tourism market is expected to   •  Key destinations in India for MICE tourism include major cities like
          rebound strongly,’’ said Jaychandran CR, Vice
          President (Operations), Niraamaya Wellness   Delhi, Mumbai, Bengaluru, Chennai and Hyderabad, as well as
          Retreats.                                  popular tourist destinations such as Jaipur, Goa and Kerala.
            The Indian MICE market, in line with the
          Indian hospitality segment, is experiencing   •  Government initiatives such as the Incredible India campaign, have
          a strong growth and is projected to grow at a
          CAGR of 6 percent between 2024 and 2029.   played a crucial role in promoting MICE tourism in the country.
          This predictable growth is supported by
          initiatives of government and private sector to
          develop relevant infrastructure across emerging
          states of Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh besides
          the key cities like Delhi, Mumbai, Bengaluru,
          Hyderabad and Chennai that are leading the                  MARKET DRIVERS
          charge with state-of-the-art facilities.
            India’s MICE industry is becoming
          increasingly competitive on the global stage,   •  Growing corporate sector: The Rapid growth of the corporate
          particularly within the Asia-Pacific region,   sector in India has led to an increase in business-related events,
          thanks to its world-class infrastructure,
          including over 1,300 star-category hotels and   driving the demand for MICE services.
          more than 70 convention centres. The Indian
          Convention Promotion Bureau (ICPB) and   •  Infrastructure Development: The government’s focus on
          various government initiatives are further   infrastructure development has resulted in the construction of
          catalyzing the sector’s expansion, making India   world-class convention centres, exhibition halls, and hotels,
          a preferred destination for international MICE
          events.                                    making India an attractive destination for MICE events.
            This robust growth is supported by a
          fragmented but vibrant market landscape,   •  Government Support: The government has implemented various
          featuring numerous small and medium-       policies and initiatives to promote MICE tourism, including
          sized enterprises. The positive outlook is
          underpinned by the increasing number of    simplifying via processes, providing tax incentives, and offering
          international conventions hosted in India,   financial support for hosting international events.
          reflecting the country’s rising prominence in
          the global MICE industry. Key developments   •  Cultural Diversity and Heritage: India’s rich cultural heritage
          include the promotion of the “Meet in India”   and diverse landscapes provides a unique experience for MICE
          initiative by the Ministry of Commerce &
          Industry, which aims to enhance the country’s   participants, making it an attractive destination for international
          infrastructure, skill development, and branding   events.
          specifically for MICE activities.
            With its diverse offerings and potential, the                             (Source: MarkWide Research)
          MICE market holds immense opportunity for
          industry participants and stakeholders. n

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