Page 16 - HBiz_August_2024
P. 16

16    INTERVIEW                               HOSPITALITY BIZ     AUGUST, 2024

                                                The properties in the destinations that we
          Q   Atmosphere Core aims to expand to 25   have already signed are Kolkata, Bengaluru,   sustainable development. Their commitment
              hotels in India by 2025. What factors
                                                                                   to delivering value and ensuring the right ROI
          are driving this ambitious expansion plan?   Bhopal, Coorg, Kannur, Goa, Bhubaneswar,   for investors sets them apart in a competitive
          How will Atmosphere Core ensure brand   Darjeeling Hills and Jaipur.     market, building on their strong brand
          consistency across a larger portfolio?  We are going to launch three properties in   reputation from the Maldives and extending
          Atmosphere Core has made significant strides   this year i.e. 2024. Our flagship property Ozen   it into new markets. This strategic emphasis
          since its inception in 2013, focusing on   Mansion Kolkata with 235 rooms, a heritage   positions Atmosphere Core as a compelling
          establishing a strong presence in the hospitality   property called Sadar Manzil Heritage By   partner for investors and owners looking to
          sector, particularly in the Maldives. Venturing   Armosphere Bhopal and a luxury retreat in 40   capitalize on the growing demand for luxury
          into India and Southeast Asia is a natural   acers coffee plantation called Stillwood Retreat   hospitality in India and Southeast Asia.
          progression given the brand’s success and   A Signature Armosphere Coorg are set to open
          expertise.                          during quarter 4 2024.               Q   How is Atmosphere Core tailoring
           Our approach to selecting hotels based                                      its offerings to suit the unique
          on popularity as a tourism destination, air   Q  What strategic benefits do you   characteristics of different markets while
          connectivity, and the potential to attract   anticipate from this rapid expansion?  maintaining its core principles of luxury
          high-end travellers is strategic. These factors   Atmosphere Core is leveraging its   and service excellence, specifically in India
          are indeed crucial for ensuring the success of   specialization in resort management within   with a focus on specialty dining and banquet
          luxury resorts and hotels.          the luxury brand portfolio space as a key   facilities?
           In India, especially, where tourism is   differentiator in the hospitality industry.   Atmosphere Core is tailoring its offerings to
          growing rapidly, choosing destinations with   Their expertise in managing luxury resorts   suit the unique characteristics of different
          established popularity among travellers and   allows them to deliver exceptional guest   markets while maintaining its core principles
          good air connectivity can provide a strong   experiences and operational excellence,   of luxury and service excellence. Here’s a
          foundation for our expansion efforts. High-  crucial for attracting high-end travellers.   breakdown of our approach in India and the
          end travellers often seek exclusive and unique   A pivotal strength is their ability to build   emphasis on specialty dining and banquet
          experiences, which aligns well with our brand’s   strong relationships with owners and   facilities:
          ethos of delivering world-class service.  investors, ensuring trust and partnership that   All-Inclusive Concept Adaptation: In the
           Maintaining our strong values and vision   secure management contracts and portfolio   Maldives, the all-inclusive concept has been
          will be essential as we expand into new   expansion. Investors recognize the value   successful, covering transfers, meals, beverages,
          markets. It will help in not only establishing   proposition offered by Atmosphere Core,   and taxes. This approach simplifies the guest
          our brand but also in differentiating it from   receiving a competitive return on investment   experience and enhances value. Extending the
          competitors in these regions.       while maintaining high standards of service   all-inclusive concept to isolated destinations
                                              and profitability. Focusing on regions like   in India acknowledges the importance of
          Q   What are the key locations in India   India and Southeast Asia represents a strategic   providing comprehensive packages that cater
                                              move to tap into growing tourism markets
                                                                                   to guest needs without hassle.
              where these new properties will be
          launched?                           with significant potential for luxury hospitality   Specialty Restaurants and Dining
          We have so far signed 12 properties in India in   growth. By choosing destinations with tourism   Experience: Recognizing the diverse
          management contract module. Our target is to   appeal, good connectivity, and high-end   taste preferences in India, emphasizing
          sign at least 25 properties by the year 2025.  traveller potential, Atmosphere Core ensures   specialty restaurants offering various

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