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                                           HOSPITALITY BIZ     AUGUST, 2024                                             17

          cuisines is strategic. This approach caters
          to guests’ international palate expectations.
          Incorporating live food preparation and
          service demonstrations in the All-Day Dining
          outlet adds a dynamic and interactive element
          to the dining experience, enhancing guest
          engagement and satisfaction.
           Banquet Facilities and Market Segments:
          Acknowledging the significance of weddings
          and MICE (Meetings, Incentives, Conferences,
          and Exhibitions) in India, integrating robust
          banquet facilities becomes crucial. These
          facilities cater to large gatherings and events,
          offering tailored services and spaces that meet
          specific event requirements.
           Strategic Considerations: Enhancing the
          overall guest experience through culinary
          excellence, interactive dining experiences, and
          comprehensive event facilities aligns with our
          commitment to delivering exceptional service.   long-term growth within the organization.   Q  How will Atmosphere Core ensure
          By focusing on specialty dining and banquet   A transparent and fair appraisal process   they cater to the evolving demands of
          capabilities, Atmosphere Core distinguishes   recognizes and rewards employee performance,   Indian travellers?
          itself in the competitive Indian hospitality   boosting morale and retention. By actively   Atmosphere Core is strategically aligning its
          landscape, appealing to both leisure and   sourcing talent from reputable institutions   offerings to cater to the evolving dynamics
          business travellers.                and investing in training, Atmosphere   of the Indian hospitality market, particularly
           By integrating these elements into our   Core mitigates the impact of industry-wide   focusing on domestic tourism, weddings, and
          operational strategy, Atmosphere Core not   manpower shortages. Our focus on employee   corporate travel segments. Here’s a detailed
          only meets but exceeds guest expectations,   engagement, career development, and fair   look at our strategies and capabilities:
          setting a high standard in luxury resort   appraisal processes helps retain skilled and   Domestic Tourism Focus: Recognizing the
          management in new and diverse markets.  motivated employees, reducing turnover rates.   pivotal role of domestic tourism in driving
                                              By consistently implementing these strategies,   demand within the Indian hospitality industry
          Q   Given the significant expansion, how   Atmosphere Core not only addresses current   underscores your readiness to meet the
              will Atmosphere Core address its
                                                                                   needs of local travellers. Adapting our service
                                              challenges but also sets a strong foundation
          manpower requirements, considering the   for sustained growth and excellence in the   style and offerings to cater specifically to the
          severe talent crunch in the industry?  hospitality sector.               preferences and expectations of domestic
           Atmosphere Core places a strong emphasis                                travellers ensures relevance and enhances guest
          on addressing the challenges of manpower   Q  The Indian hospitality market is   satisfaction.
          requirements in the hospitality industry   witnessing significant growth. How   Wedding Segment: Acknowledging the
          through strategic recruitment, training,   will Atmosphere Core differentiate itself   wedding segment as a game changer in India
          and retention practices. Prioritizing the   from the competition?        highlights our preparedness to capitalize on
          recruitment of individuals well-suited for   Atmosphere Core is strategically expanding its   this lucrative market. Offering specialized
          specific roles ensures a solid foundation for   presence to cater to the growing demand for   services and experiences tailored for high-end
          operational success and guest satisfaction,   high-quality hospitality experiences.  weddings demonstrates our commitment to
          while partnerships with Indian Hotel   The company plans to increase its portfolio   delivering memorable events and enhancing
          Management institutes help source well-  from 12 signed properties to 25 by 2025,   our brand’s appeal in this segment.
          educated and trained talent. Emphasizing skill-  focusing on destinations aligned with its ethos   MICE and Corporate Travel: Equipping
          based hiring ensures that each team member   and values. This ensures consistency in service   our properties with the latest trends and
          possesses the necessary competencies to excel.   and guest experience across all locations.  technologies necessary for MICE (Meetings,
          Our dedicated training department indicates   At Atmosphere Core, the “Joy of Giving”   Incentives, Conferences, and Exhibitions)
          a commitment to continuously enhancing   philosophy translates into exceptional service   and corporate travellers showcases our
          the skills and knowledge of our workforce,   delivery. By fostering a culture where service is a   capability to meet the specific needs of business
          providing thorough and ongoing training   joy, the company aims to not only enhance guest   travellers. Providing state-of-the-art facilities
          programs to equip employees with both   experiences but also boost employee morale.  and amenities ensures that our properties are
          technical and soft skills essential for delivering   Through strategic expansion, a focus on   well-positioned to attract and accommodate
          exceptional service. Organizing regular   guest satisfaction, and a commitment to   corporate events and meetings effectively.
          engagement activities fosters a positive work   its core values, Atmosphere Core is well-  Strategic Advantages: Aligning our
          environment and strengthens team cohesion,   positioned to become a major player in   service style and offerings with the unique
          while offering structured career development   the Indian and Southeast Asian hospitality   demands of each segment—domestic tourism,
          plans and pathways helps employees envision   markets.                   weddings, and corporate travel—positions

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