Page 18 - HBiz_August_2024
P. 18

18    INTERVIEW                               HOSPITALITY BIZ     AUGUST, 2024

          Atmosphere Core as a versatile player in the   Operators, Wedding Planners, MICE agents,   standards and meeting expected ROIs
          market. Prioritizing guest satisfaction through   and corporate entities demonstrates a strategic   consistently reflects your commitment to
          tailored services and memorable experiences   approach to diversify revenue streams.  maximizing property value and profitability for
          strengthens customer loyalty and enhances our   Operations in India: Engaging with domestic   owners.
          reputation.                         and international Tour Operators, Wedding   Sales and Marketing Collaboration:
           By leveraging these strategic approaches   Planners, MICE agents, as well as Government   Collaborating effectively with Sales and
          and focusing on service excellence across all   and PSUs for business partnerships and   Marketing teams ensures targeted efforts to
          segments, Atmosphere Core is well-positioned   brand building showcases proactive market   attract the right clientele, including direct
          to capitalize on the growing opportunities   engagement. Recognizing the importance   guests and corporate accounts. Enhancing
          within the Indian hospitality industry.  of online visibility, partnerships with OTAs,   brand visibility through strategic marketing
                                              presence in GDS, and a robust website booking   initiatives, online presence, and partnerships
          Q   How is Atmosphere Core strategically   engine setup are essential for expanding reach   with OTAs and GDS enhances property
              leveraging its Sales & Marketing
                                                                                   recognition and guest acquisition.
                                              and capturing online bookings.
          operations to expand its global presence and   By focusing on these strategic initiatives   Guest Experience Focus: Prioritizing guest
          establish a strong foothold in the Indian   and leveraging your global network and   satisfaction through personalized experiences
          market?                             expertise, Atmosphere Core is well-positioned   and high service standards strengthens
          Atmosphere Core is strategically leveraging   to capitalize on opportunities in the dynamic   brand loyalty and drives positive reviews and
          its Sales & Marketing operations to expand   Indian hospitality market while maintaining a   referrals. Emphasizing ongoing training and
          its global presence and establish a strong   strong international presence.  development ensures staff readiness to deliver
          foothold in the Indian market. Here’s a detailed                         exceptional service, further enhancing guest
          overview of our strategies and initiatives:  Q  How does Atmosphere Core ensure the   satisfaction levels.
           Global Sales & Marketing Presence: With   maintenance of transparent and trust-  Owner Satisfaction and ROI: Monitoring
          several Sales Offices and PR Offices worldwide,   based relationships with property owners   and optimizing key performance indicators
          Atmosphere Core demonstrates a robust global   while also delivering exceptional guest   (KPIs) such as occupancy rates, revenue
          footprint. Having a dedicated team managing   experiences and ensuring sustainable ROI?  per available room (RevPAR), and guest
          Sales & Marketing activities ensures effective   Atmosphere Core places a strong emphasis   satisfaction scores ensures alignment with
          market penetration and brand representation   on maintaining transparent and trust-based   owner expectations. Developing and executing
          across different regions. Emphasizing the   relationships with property owners while   comprehensive sales, marketing, and
          adoption of latest trends and technologies in   delivering exceptional guest experiences and   operational plans tailored to each property’s
          Sales & Marketing highlights our readiness to   ensuring sustainable ROI. Here’s a detailed   unique market position and potential
          evolve with industry advancements, enhancing   look at our business strategy and focus areas:  maximizes ROI potential.
          competitive edge.                     Business Strategy: Operating and marketing   By continuing to prioritize transparent
           Revenue Management Strategy: Our   properties with an emphasis on excellence   relationships with owners, exceptional guest
          Revenue distribution team’s expertise in   ensures operational efficiency and enhances   experiences, and strategic sales and marketing
          targeting the right clientele, considering peak   guest satisfaction. Building and nurturing   efforts, Atmosphere Core is well-positioned to
          and off seasons, optimizes revenue generation   transparent relationships with property owners   achieve its growth targets while delivering on
          and occupancy rates. Tailoring marketing   fosters trust and collaboration, crucial for   commitments to both owners and guests. n
          strategies to different segments like Tour   long-term partnerships. Upholding property

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