Page 17 - HBiz_September_2024
P. 17

                                        HOSPITALITY BIZ     SEPTEMBER, 2024                                             17

          hotel owners who are hospitality management
          graduates and desire recognition and
          distribution, which we provide. The revenue-
          sharing model allows us to take a percentage of
          the top line while managing the profit and loss.
          This model helps us to scale, as it adds to both
          our top line and bottom line.

          Q   What is the most popular model
              among these?
          The management contract remains our most
          popular model. However, we are looking to
          have around 10-15% of future hotels under the
          revenue-sharing model to enhance turnover
          and profitability. The franchise model is also
          gaining traction, but it is less significant in
          terms of scale compared to the management

          Q   Are there any plans for further
              property ownership, or is the focus
          solely on an asset-light strategy?
          We are currently pursuing an asset-light
          strategy and are not looking at new Greenfield
          projects. Instead, we are investing in expanding
          and renovating our existing properties. For
          instance, we have recently bought out some
          partners at our Goa and Bangalore properties
          and are expanding them. Additionally, we are
          undertaking renovations at our flagship hotel
          in Bangalore.

          Q   Can you provide insights into the   Here, our aim is to seamlessly integrate these   completing our brownfield projects within 6
              current pipeline of brownfield and
                                                                                   to 18 months, while our greenfield projects are
                                              properties into our portfolio, upgrade them to
          greenfield projects for Royal Orchid Hotels?   our brand standards, and maximise occupancy   estimated to reach completion in 2 to 4 years.
          What kind of timelines are you working with   and revenue. These acquisitions generally have   We remain strategically flexible, adapting our
          for these developments?             a timeline of 12 to 18 months, depending on   timelines based on market conditions and
          At Royal Orchid Hotels, we are actively   the property’s current status.  challenges, ensuring that we optimize resource
          pursuing both brownfield and greenfield   Our greenfield projects involve entering   allocation and maintain our high standards
          projects to expand our footprint and enhance   new markets in Southeast Asia, the Middle   throughout each project.
          our portfolio. Our strategy is focused   East, and India. In these emerging markets, we
          on redeveloping existing properties and   are building hotels that align with our luxury   Q  Could you share the investment details
          establishing new ones in key markets, with   and lifestyle brands, aiming to create unique,   for your ongoing brownfield projects?
          carefully planned timelines to ensure swift and   high-quality experiences. These projects   We are investing around INR 15 crores in
          efficient growth.                   typically take 24 to 36 months, including   expanding our Bangalore resort, adding
           Our brownfield projects are centered on   land acquisition, planning, construction, and   28 wooden cottages. Additionally, we are
          urban redevelopment initiatives and strategic   obtaining necessary approvals.  adding 50 rooms to our Goa property with an
          acquisitions in major cities such as Mumbai,   Additionally, we are crafting high-end   investment of around INR 25 crores. These
          Delhi, Bangalore, and Pune. In these key urban   resorts in leisure destinations such as Goa,   expansions are expected to be completed
          areas, we are upgrading properties to meet our   Kerala, North India, and select international   within this financial year.
          brand standards, modernising facilities, and   markets. These resorts are designed to blend
          adding trend-aligned amenities that appeal to   luxury, nature, and culture, offering exclusive   Q  How do you incorporate sustainability
          today’s travellers. Typically, these projects have   experiences for discerning travelers. The   and environmental consciousness into
          timelines of 12 to 24 months, with minimal   development timelines for these resorts are   your projects?
          downtime, depending on the property’s   strategically aligned with peak travel seasons,   Sustainability is a key focus for us. In our
          construction status.                usually ranging from 24 to 36 months.  larger properties, we have installed solid
           We are also focusing on strategic acquisitions   Our current pipeline is a dynamic mix of   waste composting units and sewage treatment
          in high-demand locations, such as popular   both brownfield and greenfield projects at   plants. We are transitioning to LED lighting,
          tourist spots and bustling business districts.   various stages of development. We anticipate   have minimised the use of plastic bottles, and

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