Page 18 - HBiz_September_2024
P. 18

18    INTERVIEW                               HOSPITALITY BIZ     SEPTEMBER, 2024

          introduced dispensers for toiletries to reduce   marketing teams. Regular audits—both online   catering to diverse dietary needs with vegan
          waste. These initiatives have significantly   and on-site—help us spot and rectify any   and sugar-free options. For example, India has
          reduced our environmental footprint and   issues, whether they pertain to service, the   the world’s largest diabetic population, and
          improved cost efficiency.           physical state of the hotel, or food quality. The   we’re mindful of that by providing desserts that
                                              goal is to maintain high standards, which in   are both delicious and suitable for diabetics.
          Q   What is the pipeline for new hotel   turn sustains the property’s reputation and   It’s about offering variety and staying ahead of
                                                                                   trends while meeting customer expectations.
          We are looking to add 25-30 hotels within the
          next year, including both new projects and   Q  What trends do you see emerging in the   Q  What is the balance between room
          conversions. We’ve already added 25 hotels   hospitality industry in India?   revenue and food and beverage sales in
          over the last year, and we expect a similar pace   Several trends will continue to shape the   your hotels?
          of growth moving forward. Additionally, we are   industry. We’re seeing a rise in luxury   The food and beverage segment contributes
          in discussions for around five conversions in   properties in unconventional locations like   significantly, typically around 30-35% of total
          the coming year.                    hill stations. Instead of international travel,   sales. We’re not just a bed-and-breakfast brand;
                                              people are opting for high-end experiences   our hotels offer multiple dining options, events,
          Q   How do you view the competition   within the country. These properties aren’t   and more, which add substantial value to the
                                              just about providing a room and food—they
                                                                                   guest experience and drive revenue.
              in the hospitality segment with
          the increasing number of domestic and   are full-fledged destinations with multiple
          international players?              amenities, from spas to specialized treatments   Q  Staffing is a major concern in the
          While competition is certainly intensifying,   like weight loss or diabetes management.   industry. How does Royal Orchid
          a strong market minimizes its impact. For   Boutique properties offering personalized   Hotels manage the challenges of finding
          instance, new hotels often generate additional   experiences, such as butler services, are also   quality manpower?
          traffic and interest in the area. India’s growth   on the rise. The homestay market, which has   We recognised this challenge early on and
          story is robust, with increased global attention   grown significantly with platforms like Airbnb,   established the Institute of Hotel Management
          on our tourism and business sectors. The   is adding competition. However, hotels provide   in Bangalore in 1994, which still operates
          government’s initiatives, like “Make in   a distinct experience with diverse food and   today. It’s become a training hub not just
          India,” have fostered a positive environment   entertainment options that many guests still   for new recruits but also for current staff.
          for growth. As long as the overall economy   prefer. Additionally, technology is playing a   Training is a combination of online modules
          remains healthy, competition should not be a   significant role. We’re exploring AI, ML, and   and in-person sessions, making it efficient.
          major concern.                      the Metaverse to enhance guest experiences.  We emphasise multi-skilling; for example, a
                                                                                   housekeeping employee may be trained to
          Q   How does Royal Orchid Hotels     Q   Food and dining are vital parts of   handle front office duties. This approach helped
                                                   hospitality. How does your group
                                                                                   us manage workforce shortages during the
              maintain quality and manage owner
          relations across your properties?   approach the food and beverage segment?  pandemic.
          We understand the importance of aligning   Our origins trace back to the iconic Balji’s   Moreover, we are developing our own
          with the owner’s requirements. We actively   restaurant in Simla, which had a 70-year   management talent through a structured
          work with them to create realistic budgets and   run. This legacy makes food an essential part   development program. This is crucial,
          set clear expectations. We consider ourselves   of our hotels, even if it’s just one restaurant   especially as we plan to open 25-30 new
          custodians of these properties, ensuring that   in a smaller property. The tastes of younger   properties. It’s important to promote from
          they are well-maintained and not neglected.   generations are shifting— they prefer pizzas,   within because these individuals understand
          Every month, we conduct a review of all   dim sum, and pastas over traditional Indian   our culture and standards. n
          properties to identify underperforming areas,   dishes like dal makhani or butter chicken.
          which are then addressed with our sales and   We adapt by offering fresh, trendy dishes and

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