Author: admin

To understand the new smart watched and other pro devices of recent focus, we should look to Silicon Valley and the quantified movement of the latest generation. Apple’s Watch records exercise, tracks our moves throughout the day, assesses the amount of time we are stood up and reminds us to get up and move around if we have been sat for too long – let’s not forget Tim Cook’s “sitting is the new factor” line. Diana saves Steve Trevor who has crashed on Themyscira. He warns her of the great war, World War I, raging across the globe. Wonder Woman…

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In the game of Cricket 20:20 is the most exciting format these days. A 20:20 can be anybody’s game irrespective of the strengths and weaknesses of the teams involved. Strategies do not matter much in it. As time is short, quick decisions and seamless execution matter most. The New Year 2020 is also seeming to be heading towards a similar situation analysing the reports that are emerging on the ground. The pitch report is not very robust for the global economies as well as our own Indian economy. Global agencies like the International Monetary Fund (IMF) has already expressed their…

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Excitement, fun, stress, bets, heartache, heartbreak, victory, disappointment, discipline, patriotism- many contradictory and controversial words and adjective suit the game of cricket. The aura of the game that started over 100 years ago has got bigger, stronger, and faster. Its inspired movies, built and destroyed careers, made paupers and millionaires, created demi-Gods, caused fans to storm heaven and some even met their maker in the throes of excitement or disappointment. To me cricket is a game I rarely watch but love to play, although I’m horrible at it. But cricket has taught me a lot about business. Cricket moved from…

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Whilst the growth of consumerism in India has led to increased accountability, it has also resulted in a spurt of consumer disputes. Consumers are increasingly becoming aware about the legal remedies and rights available to them. The hospitality industry, being a consumer centric industry, is not immune from consumer disputes. In Taj Mahal Hotel vs. United India Insurance Company Limited and Others, the Supreme Court recently (and reportedly for the first time) considered a hotel’s liability for a guest’s car which was given to the hotel’s valet and stolen from the car parking. Issue An individual (Guest) had visited the…

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When one thinks of hospitality, it brings forth a wide umbrella that includes everything ranging from comfort, to leisure, to luxury, and opulence. However, accessibility towards anything and everything at any point in time has become a prerequisite for the modern traveler’s needs. In today’s world, the greatest asset and tool to not only survive, but also thrive is technology. The world around us runs on the internet and every little piece of information, right from trivia, to news to movies, to music, to extremely critical business e-mails can be accessed on the web. The hospitality business has traditionally been always…

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The front office is the heart of any hotel organization, and successful front office professional needs to be comfortable with interacting with strangers and dealing with various hotel guests’ issues. To do so effectively, they need to understand and apply personality psychology, which is a branch of psychology that studies personality and individual differences. The central idea is that one can relate and work with people well if one knows it well Let’s start with ‘Big Five’ model of personality (by Lewis Goldberg), which is often remembered by the acronym OCEAN with their implications for front office professionals: 1)…

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Commercial Kitchens are created for preparing food to be sold to the public, mostly in large quantities with high frequency. Considering the inherent fast and furious nature of commercial kitchens, which requires several staff to work concurrently, an optimum design of the kitchen is mandatory to facilitate efficiency. The F&B industry thrives on the basis of its kitchens. A well designed and efficient commercial kitchen can enable a restaurant to reach great heights. Asmita Mukherjee explores the state of commercial kitchens in India and gains insights from key opinion leaders regarding the intricacies of this important aspect of the F&B…

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When market conditions are adverse, businesses must think out-of-the-box to keep the cash flow steady and running. It’s also time revenue deficit from the core areas are compensated through ancillary revenue sources. Hotels conventionally have been lagging in unlocking the ancillary revenue sources. In the light of recurring market uncertainties and growing competition, it is high time hotels exploited the innumerable opportunities for ancillary revenue both within the four walls, as well as, around it to develop a profitable business model. Hospitality Biz checks how hotels and the stakeholders of the industry approach the subject. Numerous researches in recent years…

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The whole focus on environment sustainability has got into a new level of discussion with UN General Assembly which is in session adopting new Political Resolution asking governments to gear up for a decade of action and delivery to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals of 2030. In India, the second Modi government has already seized the issue with its own sustainable development agenda for water conservation and addressing the menace of plastic waste. In this context, Tourism industry of which hotels are a major component has a lot to do to improve its credentials on sustainability benchmarks. Asmita Mukherjee speaks…

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“Yada Yada Hi Dharmasya, Glanirva Bhavathi Bharatha, Abhyuthanam Adharmaysya, Tadatmanam Srijami Aham” This is a very renowned ‘Shloka’ we all listened since our childhood days. At that time when we asked our parents what it actually meant, they told us that whenever there is decay of righteousness and a rise of unrighteousness, then Lord Krishna came into existence. Lord Krishna is one of the greatest Management Gurus, whom we can emulate without second thought. He was great in knowledge, great in emotion, great in action, altogether, he is the Mentor of Mentors, Coach of Coaches and Guru of all Motivational…

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