• September 24, 2024
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Tag: Medal

John Rider Wins Medal at Spirits Selection China – A Toast to the World

John Rider Wins Medal at Spirits Selection China – A Toast to the World

The Spirits Selection by Concours Mondial de Bruxelles (CMB) in it's 26th year held at Guizhou-Renhuai, China, is an international spirits competition represents the epitome of excellence in the spirits world. It creates the excitement

Kadamba Single-malt Wins Medal at New York ‘Best of 2024’ John Barleycorn Awards

Kadamba Single-malt Wins Medal at New York ‘Best of 2024’ John Barleycorn Awards

Goa's famous, India's pride and World-known Kadamba Single-malt whisky bags top honors at New York--John Barleycorn Awards competition and adjudged as a well-crafted product deserving recognition: Spirit of Choice amongst the planet’s most influential tastemakers.

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