Lite Bite Foods Pvt Ltd. one of India’s leading F&B retail companies with renowned restaurant brands like Punjab Grill, TRES, You Mee, The Artful Baker, Street foods by Punjab Grill, Zambar, Hahn’s Kitchen, Asia seven express, Baker Street and many more under its wings, has awarded the Exclusive catering mandate for the illustrious Delhi Golf Club, one of India’s premier golf clubs located in the heart of New Delhi.
Confirming the news, Amit Burman, Chairman, Lite Bite Foods, said “The company is delighted on adding this prestigious account to our portfolio. We look forward to this wonderful opportunity to serve the eminent members of the DGC. LBF will provide complete staff support, catering & all other F&B related services exclusively to The Club”
Known to constantly seek new avenues to grow, LBF had announced their foray into the cloud kitchen segment last month with the first kitchen being launched in August 2020 and also the launch of three new brands adding to their portfolio of restaurant brands. Keeping up with the vision, the company has many more new announcements and innovations to follow.