At an extraordinary gram sabha held on Thursday, the villagers of Benaulim came together in a unified stand against the Goa Tourism Development Corporation’s (GTDC) decision to lease out land earmarked for parking to a private entity for the construction of a starred hotel. The gathering concluded with a unanimous resolution to oppose the project and form a task force to engage directly with the chief minister and tourism minister to convey the community’s concerns.
One of the villagers highlighted that the land was originally acquired by the government at a nominal rate with the intention of creating infrastructure to support tourism. For years, the area has been utilized as a parking facility. However, the GTDC’s proposal to develop a hotel on the property has sparked resistance, particularly because the western side of the site is deemed ecologically sensitive and in need of preservation.
The villagers expressed strong disapproval of any attempts to bypass the local panchayat while finalizing agreements with private entities. They issued a stern warning that if the proposal advances without addressing their objections, they would have no choice but to organize protests to safeguard their interests and the environment.
Source : TOI